Wylie, Texas drivers of both Class C and commercial status are pulled over and written traffic tickets by police on a daily basis. Any driver who is found to be violating the law may be subjected to a traffic stop and written a ticket, but it is perhaps more stressful to be written a ticket as a CDL holder than as a Class C driver. This is because commercial motorists, who include truckers and bus drivers, are generally required by their employers to maintain their clean driving records. If you were written a trucking violation in Wylie, at a D.O.T. stop or on the road, and because points will be added to your driving record should you plead guilty to your Wylie CDL violation, you may now be interested in challenging it in court.
Jack Byno & Associates is a reputable traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Wylie, Texas and surrounding Collin County cities. We may be able to assist you in the disputation of your Wylie CDL violation, or we may be of service to you in the case that your charges have gone into warrant. If you have allowed your Wylie CDL or trucking violation to go past due, and if the Wylie Municipal Court has issued you a traffic warrant as a penalty for your past-due citation, your arrest is unfortunately imminent for as long as your warrant remains out for you. If you are hopeful to avoid arrest, and protect your career as a CDL driver, your traffic warrant must be lifted. As it happens, Jack Byno & Associates offers to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of its eligible clients. If you are eligible, we may be able to carry out these legal services on your behalf. For more information, contact me today.