Are you a trucker or other professional motorist recently written a traffic ticket by police in Valley View, Texas? Are you worried about your CDL or trucking violation negatively affecting your clean driving record, and therefore your career as a professional motorist? Then pick up the phone and call the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. Whether your Valley View CDL violation was written on the road or at a D.O.T. stop, our experienced lawyers may be able to assist you in challenging your Valley View charges, by either pleading your case for a favorable deal or by fighting your ticket at trial.
The second your Valley View CDL or trucking violation is written and placed in your hands by police, it becomes your responsibility to respond to your charges by the date that they are due. If you fail to respond to your charges, neither challenging them nor pleading guilty, the Valley View Municipal Court may issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty. The only way that you may be sure to avoid arrest at this point is by getting your warrant lifted. If you are an eligible CDL client, this is a task that Jack Byno & Associates may carry out on your behalf. We may also post bond for you, as a promise to represent you later in court. Contact me for more information.