Law enforcement in Gainesville, Texas keeps close watch over traffic flow to ensure that all motorists are abiding by traffic law. Any motorist found to be violating the law may be subjected to a traffic stop and written a citation. If you have been written a CDL or trucking violation by police in Gainesville, at a D.O.T. stop or on the highway, you may be worried about your charges ending up as points on your driving record. This is because, as opposed to the average, Class C motorist, you as a commercial motorist are required by your employer to maintain your clean driving record. If you would rather challenge your Gainesville CDL violation, instead of pleading guilty to it, you do not have to try and do so on your own. You may seek professional legal counsel in challenging your charges, such as is offered by Jack Byno & Associates.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno has more than 20 years of experience in Cooke County, Texas, and is reputable among Class C drivers and CDL holders alike. If you have been written a CDL or trucking violation by Gainesville police, and seek assistance in challenging your charges, we are the law office to call. You may also contact us for assistance in getting your traffic warrant lifted. You may have been issued such a warrant by the Gainesville Municipal Court, if you did not make a timely response to your citation. Once a warrant is out for you, the only way that you may be sure to avoid arrest (and the possible loss of your career) is to act fast to get your warrant lifted. If you are a qualified CDL holder, our lawyers may be able to lift your Gainesville warrant for you, and post bond for you, too. For additional information on traffic warrants, or the possible disputation of your Gainesville CDL violation, please contact me.