In Parker County, Texas, the Great Texas Warrant Roundup is now underway. If you have never heard of this annual event, you should know that it sees law enforcement cracking down on motorists who have active traffic warrants out for them. During Warrant Roundup season therefore, countless motorists are arrested due to their active warrants. If a warrant for your arrest has been issued by the Parker County Justice of the Peace Court, your warrant must be lifted, and as soon as possible, lest you be arrested this Warrant Roundup season. If you are now looking to avoid arrest by getting your warrant lifted, you may not have to look any further for assistance in doing so than a local traffic ticker law firm. If you would like additional information, you may contact me.
This year, as with every year following the commencement of the Parker County Warrant Roundup, there will be many motorists who, while still unaware of the roundup, will find themselves sought for arrest by police simply due to their active traffic warrants. If you are hoping to steer clear of arrest if at all possible this Warrant Roundup season, even now that a traffic warrant is out for you, remember that there is only one way that you may do so. You must take legal action, and quickly, to ensure that your warrant is lifted. Remember that you may seek assistance in doing so from a local law firm. A lawyer may be able to not only lift your Parker County traffic warrant for you, but may also post your bond as a promise to represent you later in court, at a hearing scheduled for you. To find out more, you may contact me.