Now underway in Palmer, Texas is the annual Great Texas Warrant Roundup. If you are not familiar with this annual event, it should be of especial concern to you if you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Palmer Municipal Court. Following the start of Warrant Roundup season each year, the Palmer Police Department works to locate, and to arrest, drivers who have active traffic warrants out for them in the city. Lest you be arrested during this year’s Palmer Warrant Roundup due to your active warrant, it must be lifted, and as soon as possible. A law firm that serves the Ellis County area may be contacted to assist you in lifting your warrant, so that you no longer have to worry about being taken into custody because of it this Warrant Roundup season.
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is now underway in the City of Palmer. Now that you are no longer in the dark in regards to the roundup, you have this opportunity to get your Palmer traffic warrant lifted before police have a chance to arrest you because of it. If you are hoping to steer clear of arrest if at all possible during the roundup, but are unsure how to begin the process of lifting your warrant, consider getting in touch with a local traffic ticket lawyer. Keep in mind that an Ellis County lawyer who has experience with the roundup in Ellis County may hold the legal authority to lift your warrant for you, and may also be able to post bond for you as a promise to defend you later in court. For additional information on the roundup and how your active Palmer warrant may be lifted, please contact me.