Law enforcement in Ellis County, including the Palmer Police Department, is stepping up its search for drivers with outstanding traffic warrants. By doing so, they are taking part in this year’s Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Warrant Roundup season is a very serious time of year, and may see you arrested should you have an active traffic warrant out for you. Maybe you do have a warrant hanging over your head, issued for you by the Municipal Court in the City of Palmer. Unless you act quickly to get your warrant lifted, chances are high that you will be arrested during this year’s Palmer Warrant Roundup, if not before or after. You may seek professional legal assistance in lifting your warrant, such as from a local traffic ticket lawyer. A lawyer may be able to get your warrant for you, if you are an eligible client.
The Palmer Police Department is no stranger to Warrant Roundup season in Ellis County. Officers in that region of North Texas will not hesitate to arrest you over your active traffic warrant should they be presented with the opportunity to do so. That being said, there is still plenty of time for you to try and get your active traffic warrant lifted, before police have the chance to arrest you because of it. Keep in mind that lifting your warrant is not a task that you must attempt to accomplish on your own; you may seek professional legal assistance in doing so. This assistance may very well be acquired from a local traffic ticket attorney. An attorney who serves the City of Palmer, and who has prior experience with the roundup in Ellis County, may be retained to assist you in getting your warrant lifted, or may even lift it for you as a promise to represent you later in court. This same attorney may also post your bond, so that your case may be represented by them later in court. Contact me today to learn more.