Law enforcement in Dallas County, Texas, including the Lancaster Police Department, is out in full force, participating in this year’s Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Locally referred to as the Lancaster Warrant Roundup, this yearly event sees countless motorists, while having active traffic warrants out for them, arrested. Warrant Roundup season may see you arrested as well, in the case that you have an active traffic warrant out for you, issued for you by the Lancaster Municipal Court. Lest you be arrested this Lancaster Warrant Roundup, your warrant must be lifted. Although the roundup is now underway in Dallas County, there is still time for you to get your warrant lifted if you are interested in doing so. There is also time for you to seek professional legal assistance in doing so, such as may be provided you by a local traffic ticket lawyer.
Now underway in the City of Lancaster is the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. You are unfortunately not ready for this annual police operation if you have not yet taken the necessary legal action to ensure that your warrant is lifted. Keep in mind that there is still time for you to get your warrant lifted, if you are interested in doing so, and also for you to seek professional legal assistance from an area traffic ticket lawyer. A lawyer who has experience defending motorists against arrest during the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, and at all other times of the year, may be hired to defend you as well, by helping you get your warrant lifted or even lifting it for you. A lawyer may also post for you, which would serve as a promise from them to represent you and your case in court later. Contact me for more information.