Maybe while driving in Corsicana, Texas recently, you were pulled over by law enforcement for speeding, disregarding a traffic control device, or breaking another traffic law. If you were consequently written a traffic ticket for your offense, but neither pleaded guilty to it nor challenged it by the date it was due, the Corsicana Municipal Court may have been prompted to issue a warrant for your arrest. Does your traffic warrant remain out for you now? Then please be advised of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Known locally as the Corsicana Warrant Roundup, this annual event sees police in Navarro County and all across North Texas arresting, in droves, drivers who have such warrants out for them. Unless your outstanding Corsicana warrant is lifted, and as soon as possible, your arrest during the roundup is unfortunately a possibility.
Because of the imminence of your arrest this Warrant Roundup season, should your active Corsicana traffic warrant remain out for you, you may now be interested in getting your warrant lifted. If you are, but if you are under the impression that you would not be able to lift your warrant on your own if you tried, pick up the phone and call your local traffic ticket attorney. Such an expert of traffic law may be retained to assist you in getting your warrant lifted, and may even be able to lift your warrant for you, if you are a qualified motorist. If bond is also posted for you by this same lawyer, it will serve as a promise from them to defend you and your case later in a court of law. Do not let Warrant Roundup season result in your arrest; take legal action today to get your Corsicana warrant lifted. To find out more, please contact me.