If you are not already aware, please be advised of the Coppell Warrant Roundup. An annual police operation referred to State-wide as the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, this event sees law enforcement working tirelessly to arrest motorists, as many as possible, who have active traffic warrants out for them. Maybe you have been issued a warrant previously by the Coppell Municipal Court. You may have been if you were written a traffic ticket in that Dallas County city, but allowed it to go past due rather than pleading guilty to it. If so, your warrant must be lifted, and as soon as possible. A Dallas County lawyer, and preferably one who has experience with the roundup in Coppell, may be retained to assist you in getting your warrant lifted. To find out more, you may contact me.
Law enforcement all across the greater Dallas County area, including in the City of Coppell, is out in full force, taking part in this year’s installment of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Now that you are aware of this annual event, you have an advantage over the countless drivers still unaware of it. You have this opportunity to get your warrant lifted before police have a chance to arrest you because of it. If you are hoping to steer clear of arrest if at all possible this Warrant Roundup season, keep in mind that there is only one way that you may do so, and this is by acting fast to get your outstanding Coppell traffic warrant lifted. If you are hoping to get your warrant lifted, but feel that you would not be able to do so on your own, consider seeking assistance in doing so from a local traffic ticket attorney. Remember that an attorney may help you in your endeavors to lift your warrant, and may also post your bond as a promise to represent you later in court. Contact me today to learn more.