Now underway in Ellis County is the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Sometimes referred to as Warrant Roundup season, this annual event sees police working around the clock to locate, and arrest, as many drivers as possible who have active traffic warrants out for them. It should therefore be of especial concern to you if you have been issued a traffic warrant previously, perhaps by the Municipal Court in the Ellis County City of Palmer. Unless you act quickly to ensure that your warrant is lifted, it may very well result in your arrest and incarceration during, if not before, this year’s Palmer Warrant Roundup. If you are hoping to avoid arrest if at all possible by ensuring that your warrant is lifted, consider getting in touch with a local traffic ticket attorney. An attorney may be able to get your Palmer warrant lifted for you, if you are eligible.
The Palmer Police Department is no stranger to the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, nor is law enforcement elsewhere in Ellis County. In fact, officers all across North Texas are prepared and out in full force for this year’s Warrant Roundup. Are you ready for this annual event? You are not, unfortunately, if you have yet to ensure that your Palmer traffic warrant is lifted. Are you now looking to do just that? Then remember that you may contact an area traffic ticket attorney for professional legal assistance. An attorney who has experience with the roundup in Ellis County may be able to help you avoid arrest during this annual event by ensuring that your warrant is lifted for you, and by posting bond for you as well as a promise to represent you later in court.