In Dallas County, Texas, the Great Texas Warrant Roundup is about to begin. If you are not already aware, this event sees police working around the clock to track down, and to arrest, as many drivers as possible who have outstanding traffic warrants out for them. Maybe you have been issued a traffic warrant previously by the Dallas County Justice of the Peace Court, after failing to respond, in due time, to a traffic ticket that you received in that city. Lest you be taken into custody by police during this year’s Dallas County Warrant Roundup, your traffic warrant must be lifted. This is a task that may be carried out on your behalf by a local traffic ticket lawyer. A lawyer may be able to get your warrant lifted for you, if you are eligible.
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup occurs not only in Dallas County, but in participating communities all across the State. You can expect to be arrested by police during, if not before, this year’s Warrant Roundup season should you fail to ensure that your Dallas County traffic warrant is lifted. If you are hoping to get your warrant lifted now, but are uncertain as to how to how to begin the legal process of doing so, bear in mind that it is your right to seek professional legal assistance in doing so. While you may very well hire a traffic ticket attorney to try and get your Dallas County traffic warrant lifted, and to post bond for you as well as a promise to represent you later in court, in the very least you may contact a local traffic ticket attorney for additional information on Warrant Roundup season and how your outstanding traffic warrant may be lifted. To learn more, please contact me.