The Pelican Bay Warrant Roundup, a local extension of the State-wide Great Texas Warrant Roundup, is about to begin. If you are unfamiliar with this event, it should be concerning news to you if you have been issued a traffic warrant previously by the Pelican Bay Municipal Court. During the annual Warrant Roundup season, as it is often referred to, police are required to focus their attentions on finding, and arresting, as many drivers as they can who have previously been issued traffic warrants by the courts. Because you may very well be arrested during this year’s Warrant Roundup, if not before, due to your outstanding warrant, you may want to consider getting it lifted. A local traffic ticket attorney may be retained to assist you with this endeavor, so that your arrest may be avoided.
Now that you are aware of Warrant Roundup season, and of the fact that you may be arrested during it, if not before, because of your outstanding Pelican Bay traffic warrant, why not take action today to get your warrant lifted? If ensuring that your warrant is lifted so that your arrest may be avoided sounds like a complicated legal task, and one that you are not prepared to carry out on your own, remember that you do not have to try and do so by yourself. You may seek professional assistance in getting your warrant lifted, such as may be provided you by a local traffic ticket attorney. An attorney who has previously dealt with Warrant Roundup season in Tarrant County may even be able to get your warrant lifted for you, and post bond for you as well.