While driving in Allen, Texas recently, were you pulled over by a law enforcement official for violating traffic law in some way? Were you consequently issued a traffic ticket for your offense? If you were, but did not respond to your citation by the date it was due, the Allen Municipal Court may have consequently issued a warrant for your arrest. An arrest warrant is just as serious as it sounds and, unless you take action to get it lifted, perhaps with help from a local attorney, may lead to your arrest and incarceration. Your chances of being arrested because of your warrant will only go up during the Allen Warrant Roundup. A local extension of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, this annual event sees police working tirelessly to apprehend motorists with warrants.
Following the commencement of this year’s Great Texas Warrant Roundup, which is just around the corner, many drivers unaware of this annual event will find themselves sought by police for arrest simply because they did not take the time to get their traffic warrants lifted when they had the chance. You, in contrast to these drivers, are no longer in the dark about the annual roundup, and have this opportunity to try and get your warrant lifted before police have a chance to locate and arrest you because of it. Remember that a lawyer may be retained to help you get your warrant lifted. If you are eligible, a lawyer may even be able to get your warrant lifted for you, and post bond for you as well so that you may be represented in court at a later date.