Watauga Traffic Ticket Attorney
City of Watauga, Texas Traffic Ticket Attorneys
Jack Byno & Associates, Watauga, Texas traffic ticket defense attorneys represent clients in all of the municipal courts of Tarrant County. I am Jack Byno and I have been representing clients in the Watauga Municipal Court since 1994. The bulk of the cases I see include speeding tickets, CDL violations, lifting traffic warrants, and driver’s license suspension hearings . By hiring my firm, our lawyers can appear in court on your behalf and work out the best deal we can. In most cases, we can keep the ticket off of your driving record, thus saving you state surcharges, increased insurance rates, and possibly a driver’s license suspension. Contact me to see if we can help you with a Watauga traffic ticket.
Speeding Tickets Defended in Tarrant County By Lawyers
Do you need a speeding ticket attorney for a case in Watauga, Texas? Did you receive a citation for a moving violation or some other traffic violation in Tarrant County? How are you going to handle your speeding tickets? If retained, I can appear in court on your behalf and in most cases work out a deal to keep the speeding ticket off of your driving record. I will look for valid grounds for dismissal, but if I cannot find it I will plea your case to a deferred disposition, which means, “probation.” The end result is you will pay a court fee and cannot receive another ticket during the probation period. If you follow these instructions, plus any others the court orders, the case will end in a dismissal. Of course, you must qualify for the probation and the court has the authority to deny any requests. Contact me to discuss your Watauga speeding tickets.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets.
Traffic Warrants Lifted By An Attorney in Watauga, Texas
Over 250 law enforcement agencies from around Texas participate in the Watauga Warrant Roundup . Tarrant County is getting ready to kick off its mass arrests of people with outstanding traffic warrants. Thousands of drivers in the greater Dallas – Fort Worth area will be arrested. Jack Byno, Attorney at Law has been representing clients in Watauga since 1994 and can help you lift your traffic warrants. Contact me to see what can be done to help you before the Watauga Police Department comes to arrest you for an outstanding traffic warrant.
Special note : At the time of this writing the statewide warrant roundup has begun!
More about Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup.
More about Watauga Warrant Roundup .
CDL Violations Defended By A Tarrant County Lawyer
Are you a CDL holder with a speeding ticket in Watauga, Texas? As you know, you are not eligible, as a matter of law, for deferred disposition (probation) or defensive driving school. I have been representing clients with CDLs since 1994 and I understand that a lot more than just a traffic ticket is at stake for you. Without a clean driving record you may lose your job and/or lose your driver’s license. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can be retained to plea your case to the best deal we can make on your behalf or we can be hired to take your case all the way to trial. Contact me to determine your best course of action for a CDL violation in the Watauga Municipal Court.
Contact Me
Jack Byno & Associates is a law firm devoted to the practice of defending speeding tickets, lifting traffic warrants, fighting CDL violations, and contesting driver’s license suspensions . When you need attorneys that can be in Watauga Municipal Court for you and protect your rights, contact me .
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