Van Alstyne CDL Defense Lawyer
Van Alstyne CDL Violations Taken To Court By Lawyer
Every day in the City of Van Alstyne, Texas and surrounding Grayson County cities, motorists of Class C and CDL status are pulled over by police and written traffic violations for offenses committed. While any driver may be pulled over by police and written a citation, at a D.O.T. stop or on the road, it is perhaps more serious a situation to be written a CDL violation as a commercial motorist than as a Class C driver. This is for the fact that CDL holders, who include truckers, bus drivers, and emergency vehicle operators, are generally required by their employers to maintain their clean driving records. If you have been written a CDL or trucking violation by police in Van Alstyne, for speeding, a weight limit violation, or any other minor traffic violation, you may be concerned about your ticket and the negative impact it may end up having on your career. Because points will be added to your driving record if you respond by pleading guilty to your offense, it may be in the better interest of your career to challenge your charges instead.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be retained to assist you in doing so. We have represented CDL and Class C motorists in Grayson County for over 20 years, and understand better than anyone that you simply want to remain behind the wheel and on the job if at all possible. We therefore offer to assist our clients in challenging their violations, by either a) pleading their cases for possible deals or b) by fighting their tickets at trial.
Have You Been Written a CDL Violation in Van Alstyne?
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
Van Alstyne Traffic Warrants Issued For CDL Holders
If you are not already aware, you should know that the Van Alstyne Municipal Court does not tolerate overdue traffic violations or city ordinance citations of any kind. If you are written a CDL or trucking violation by police in Van Alstyne, but do not fulfill your responsibility to respond to your citation by the date it is due (neither pleading guilty to it nor challenging it in court), the Van Alstyne Municipal Court may be prompted to issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty. Once a traffic warrant is out for you, your arrest is unfortunately a possibility, and for as long as your warrant remains out for you. If you are hopeful to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, there is only one way that you may be sure to do so, and this is by taking legal action to ensure that your warrant is lifted.
Lifting your warrant is a task that Jack Byno & Associates may be able to assist you with. Since the founding of our law firm in 1994, we have gotten bonds posted and traffic warrants lifted on behalf of our eligible Grayson County clients. If we are able to lift you Van Alstyne warrant and post your bond, your arrest during the roundup will no longer be possible, and your career as a CDL driver may also be defended by us in court at a later date.
Van Alstyne Traffic Warrants Lifted with Lawyer’s Help
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
More information regarding:
*Grayson County CDL and trucking violations
*Traffic warrants and bonds