Trophy Club CDL Defense Lawyer
Trophy Club Police Write Traffic Tickets to CDL Drivers
Law enforcement in Trophy Club, Texas and surrounding Denton County communities works day and night to ensure that all motorists, of both Class C and CDL status, are abiding by traffic law. If any driver is caught disregarding the law, that driver may be pulled over at the discretion of law enforcement and written a traffic citation. Are you a trucker, emergency vehicle operator, or otherwise someone who holds a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for work purposes? If you are, you are also probably required to maintain your clean driving record as proof of your ability to drive responsibly while behind the wheel. Being written a CDL or trucking violation therefore, while behind the wheel in Trophy Club, may be a very stressful experience. While you must respond to your citation in due time, and by the date your ticket is due, you may be hesitant to do so by pleading guilty (as points will be added to your record if you do so). You may instead be looking to challenge your ticket in court, whether you were written your ticket for speeding, a D.O.T. stop weight limit violation, or any other minor traffic offense.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno is a traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Denton County. If you are looking to dispute your Trophy Club CDL violation, but require professional legal assistance in doing so, we may be of service to you. We may be hired to either plead your case for a favorable deal, such as reduced fines, or to fight your ticket at an official trial setting.
If You Are Looking to Challenge Your Trophy Club CDL Violation
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
Denton County CDL violations disputed in court
CDL Drivers Look to Lift Trophy Club Traffic Warrants
In Trophy Club, Texas, when a motorist is written a CDL or trucking violation by police, that motorist is expected to respond to their violation by the date that it is due. If a motorist fails to respond to their violation, neither pleading guilty to it nor challenging it in a court of law, that motorist can expect to be penalized by the courts. Have you allowed your Trophy Club CDL violation to go past due? If you have, and if the city’s Municipal Court has issued you a traffic warrant as a penalty, your situation is much more serious than it was before. If you are taken into custody by police over your warrant, your career as a professional CDL driver could even be jeopardized, as from behind bars you could not continue your work. For the sake of your career then, it may be in your best interest to take action today to ensure that your Trophy Club traffic warrant is lifted. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may able to assist you in lifting your warrant if you need help doing so. Since the founding of our firm in 1994, we have lifted warrants and posted bonds on behalf of our eligible Class C clients. If we are able to lift your outstanding Trophy Club warrant, your arrest will no longer be imminent.
Trophy Club Warrants Lifted, Bonds Posted
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
More info concerning Trophy Club traffic warrants
Click here to learn about the Trophy Club Warrant Roundup