In Tarrant County, Texas, Warrant Roundup Is Underway
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is now underway in Tarrant County. Are you familiar with this annual event? If not, it may be concerning news to you if you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Court. During the roundup each year, police are required to step up their searches for drivers who have active traffic warrants out for them. In most cases, these drivers are taken into custody. Are you afraid that your outstanding traffic warrant will result in your arrest and incarceration during this year’s Tarrant County Warrant Roundup? Then before your fears become a reality, consider taking legal action, and quickly, to get your traffic warrant lifted. Jack Byno & Associates is a traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience with the roundup in North Texas. Since the founding of our law firm in 1994, we have gotten traffic warrants lifted on behalf of our eligible clients. If we are able to get your outstanding Tarrant County traffic warrant lifted, your arrest during the roundup will no longer be a possibility.
Tarrant County Lawyer Provides Counsel During Roundup
Contact me, attorney Jack Byno, at 817-685-0912
Learn more about your traffic warrant and Warrant Roundup season
Hoping To Avoid Arrest This Tarrant County Warrant Roundup?
Unlike many motorists in Tarrant County right now, you are now aware of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, and of the possibility of your arrest during it should you have an active traffic warrant out for you. You are also aware of the fact that you may take legal action to lift your warrant, in order that you may avoid arrest. If you are now looking to get your warrant lifted, but are uncertain as to how to begin the legal process of doing so, pick up the phone and call Jack Byno & Associates. Remember that our traffic ticket lawyers, who have been dealing with the roundup in Tarrant County and surrounding regions since 1994, hold the authority to lift traffic warrants on behalf of our eligible drivers. If we are hired to lift your Tarrant County traffic warrant and are able to do so successfully on your behalf, you will no longer have to worry about being arrested because of it. If we are also able to post bond for you, it will mean that we will appear in court later as your legal representatives, in order to defend your case in the Tarrant County Justice Court.
Tarrant County Warrants Lifted And Bonds Posted
Contact me || Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
Other DFW-area cities taking part in Warrant Roundup season