Runaway Bay Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Have You Heard of the Runaway Bay Warrant Roundup?
Have you heard of an annual, State-wide event referred to as the Great Texas Warrant Roundup? During this annual event, law enforcement is required to step up its search for drivers who have been issued traffic warrants by the courts. Perhaps you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Municipal Court in the Wise County City of Runaway Bay, after failing to respond to a traffic ticket that you received in that city. If your warrant remains out for you, Warrant Roundup season should be of especial concern to you, as you may be arrested during it because of your pending warrant. If you are hoping to avoid arrest if at all possible, even now that a warrant is out for you, there is a way that you may do so, and this is by taking legal action to ensure that your warrant is lifted. I, Attorney Jack Byno, may be able to assist you in doing so. Besides offering defense against these and other traffic-related legal matters:
- Speeding tickets
- DL suspension
- CDL violations
- City ordinance violation
…my North Texas-based traffic ticket law firm offers to lift outstanding traffic warrants on behalf of our eligible clients, during the Great Texas Warrant Roundup and year-round as well. We may be able to do the same for you.
Get Your Runaway Bay Traffic Warrant Lifted
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno, 817-685-0912
Wise County Police Are Prepared for the Roundup- Are You?
Law enforcement all across the greater Wise County area, including the Runaway Bay Police Department, is prepared for the commencement of this year’s Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Can you say without a shadow of a doubt that you are prepared for this annual event? You cannot, unfortunately, if you have not yet taken necessary legal measures to ensure that your warrant is lifted. If you are now hoping to do just that, but are uncertain as to how you may go about doing so, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be able to provide you with the assistance you are looking for. For over 20 years, since our law firm was first established, we have gotten bonds posted and traffic warrants lifted on behalf of eligible drivers, in Wise County and surrounding North Texas regions. If we are able to get your Runaway Bay warrant lifted, you will no longer have to worry about being arrested during Warrant Roundup season. If we post bond for you as well, you and your case may be defended later in a court of law, at a hearing that may be scheduled for you.
Avoid Arrest During the Runaway Bay Warrant Roundup
Contact me for aggressive legal defense | 817-685-0912
More regarding the annual Great Texas Warrant Roundup