More Than
20 years


Roane CDL Defense Lawyer

Lawyer Disputes Roane, Texas CDL Violations in Court

Are you a trucker, bus driver, or other professional driver who holds a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for work purposes? Have you been written a CDL or trucking violation by law enforcement in the Navarro County City of Roane, Texas? If you have, for speeding, a D.O.T. stop over weight violation, or any other traffic offense, you are most likely concerned about your violation and the negative impact it may end up having on your career. This is for the fact that you are most likely required by your employer to maintain your clean driving record, as proof in your ability to drive safely while behind the wheel. For this reason, it may be in the better interest of your career to challenge your Roane CDL violation (as opposed to pleading guilty to it and allowing points to blemish your driving record).

If you are now considering disputing your violation in court, but feel that you would benefit from professional legal counsel in doing so, traffic ticket law firm Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. Since the founding of our law firm in 1994, we have provided professional legal defense for Class C and CDL drivers looking to protect their driving records in court. If you hire us to defend against your Roane CDL or trucking violation, we may do so by either a) seeking you a favorable plea agreement in court, or b) fighting your Roane CDL violation at trial.

Considering Disputing Your Roane CDL Violation?

Contact me today | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

More information regarding Navarro County CDL violations

Concerning Roane CDL Violations That Have Gone Into Warrant

No matter how unimportant and undemanding of your attention your Roane CDL violation may appear at first glance, it is of the utmost importance that you respond to it by the date that it is due. If you fail to respond to your violation in due time, neither challenging it nor pleading guilty to it in court, the Roane Municipal Court may be prompted to issue you a traffic warrant as a penalty. Once a traffic warrant has been issued for you by the court, your arrest and incarceration is unfortunately imminent, and in a worst-case scenario you could even lose your job (as you could not continue your work as a professional CDL driver if you are arrested). If you are hopeful to avoid arrest if at all possible, there is a way that you may do so, and this is by taking legal action to get your traffic warrant lifted. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be retained to assist you in accomplishing this endeavor. For over 20 years, we have gotten traffic warrants lifted and bonds posted on behalf of our qualified Navarro County clients. If we are able to lift your outstanding Roane CDL warrant and post bond for you, you may successfully avoid being taken into custody, and your career as a professional motorist may be safeguarded.

Roane, Texas Traffic Warrants Lifted by Attorney

Contact me | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Additional details on traffic warrants/ the Great Texas Warrant Roundup