Prairie Point Traffic Ticket Attorney
Jack Byno & Associates, a local traffic ticket law firm that has been in practice since 1994, provides professional defense against a wide variety of traffic-related legal matters. These matters include speeding tickets and other traffic citations, trucking violations, and traffic warrants issued by area courts. We serve Class C and CDL drivers in communities all across the greater Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, including in the Cooke County City of Prairie Point. If you are dealing with one of the above-mentioned matters, considering giving our law office a call. We may be able to provide you with the representation your case requires.
Cooke County Traffic Violations Challenged with Attorney’s Help
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Challenging traffic tickets in Cooke County- More information
Have You Been Written A Speeding Ticket In Prairie Point?
On a daily basis in Cooke County and surrounding North Texas communities, motorists are pulled over for driving over the legal speed limit, and are written speeding tickets for their offense. Maybe you yourself were recently pulled over for driving too fast while on the road in Prairie Point. If you now have a speeding citation on your hands, you have two options to consider when it comes to responding to it, which you must do by the date specified on your ticket. You may either plead guilty to speeding, and allow points to blemish your driving record, or challenge your violation, in hopes of protecting your record against points. If you choose the latter option, Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. We provide defense against speeding tickets on a daily basis and may be retained to help you defend against yours. We may either plead your case for a favorable deal in court, or fight your ticket at trial in an effort to get it dismissed.
Prairie Point Speeding Tickets Disputed in Court
Contact me, Jack Byno, at 817-685-0912
When Cooke County Violations Go Into Warrant
When a driver is written a citation for violating traffic law in the City of Prairie Point, it is the responsibility of that driver to respond to their ticket by the date it is due. When said driver fails to respond to their violation in due time, the Prairie Point Municipal Court, which does not tolerate overdue violations, may be prompted to issue a warrant for the arrest of the motorist in question. Perhaps this is the situation you have found yourself in, and now you are afraid that your outstanding traffic warrant will soon lead to your arrest. If so, consider getting your warrant lifted before your fears become a reality. Lifting warrants and posting bonds are services that may be provided on your behalf by Jack Byno & Associates. If we are able to carry out these services on your behalf, your arrest because of your Cooke County warrant will no longer be imminent.
Get Your Outstanding Prairie Point Traffic Warrant Lifted
Contact me | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Learn more about traffic warrants and how they may be lifted
Are You A CDL Driver With A Prairie Point Trucking Violation?
Any motorist caught violating traffic law in Prairie Point, Texas may be pulled over at the discretion of police and written a traffic citation for their offense. This includes motorists who hold commercial driver’s licenses for work purposes. If you are a CDL holder with a pending Prairie Point traffic violation, you may be hesitant to plead guilty to your offense. This is understandable, as points will be added to your driving record if you do so. Your career as a trucker or other professional motorist is dependent upon your clean record and reputation as a responsible driver. Fortunately, even as a CDL driver, you may challenge your trucking violation if you see fit. Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to help you do so, should you feel that you would benefit from such defense. We may be able to seek you a favorable plea agreement in court, and perhaps even on your behalf if you are unable to appear at your scheduled hearing.
Prairie Point CDL Violations – Defense Provided
Contact me for aggressive legal defense | 817-685-0912