Ponder Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Commencement of Annual Ponder Warrant Roundup
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is about to begin in the Denton County City of Ponder. Are you familiar with this event? If not, it should be concerning news to you if you have been issued a traffic warrant previously by the Ponder Municipal Court. During Warrant Roundup season, which is an annual police operation, law enforcement is required to focus its attentions and resources on locating, and in most cases taking into custody, drivers who have outstanding traffic warrants. Because your outstanding warrant may very well result in your arrest and incarceration during this year’s Ponder Warrant Roundup, consider taking legal action today to get your warrant lifted. Also consider seeking assistance in doing so from Jack Byno & Associates, a local traffic ticket law firm. Our attorneys have been in practice for over 20 years and know what it takes to get traffic warrants lifted on behalf of drivers looking to avoid arrest during the roundup.
Steer Clear of Arrest During Ponder Warrant Roundup
Contact me, Jack Byno, today || 817-685-0912
Click here to learn more about Warrant Roundup season
Lawyer Defends Motorists During Ponder Warrant Roundup
The Ponder Warrant Roundup is about to begin. Once it does, police will not hesitate to arrest you because of your outstanding traffic warrant should the opportunity to do so present itself. That said, if you are hoping to get your warrant lifted in order that your arrest may be avoided, there is still time for you to do so. There is also still time for you to seek assistance in doing so from the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. Remember that our traffic ticket attorneys, who have been in practice in Denton County since 1994, may be retained to get your Ponder traffic warrant lifted for you, if you are eligible. We may also post bond for you, so that you and your case may be defended by us later in court, at a hearing that may be scheduled for you.
Get Your Denton County Warrant Lifted Today
Contact me for assistance || 817-685-0912
Click here for a list of other DFW-area cities participating in the roundup