More Than
20 years


Parker County Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer

Have You Heard of the Parker County Warrant Roundup?

Are you aware of an annual, State-wide law enforcement initiative called the Great Texas Warrant Roundup? You should know about this event, especially if you have an active traffic warrant out for you. During Warrant Roundup season, as it is sometimes referred to, police are ordered to focus their attentions and resources of tracking down, and in many cases taking into custody, drivers with outstanding traffic warrants. Perhaps you have been issued a warrant by the Justice of the Peace Court in Parker County, Texas, after failing to respond to a traffic ticket that you received in that region. Unless you act quickly to ensure that your warrant is lifted, your arrest during the roundup is unfortunately a possibility. Are you now looking to get your warrant lifted in hopes of avoiding arrest? Then look no further for assistance in doing so than the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. A reputable traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience with the Warrant Roundup in Parker County and surrounding North Texas communities, we may be able to get your Parker County traffic warrant lifted for you, so that you may be safe from arrest.

Counsel Provided During Parker County Warrant Roundup

Contact me ~ Attorney Jack Byno ~ 817-685-0912

Additional information regarding the Great Texas Warrant Roundup

Parker County Warrant Roundup- Bonds Posted, Warrants Lifted

The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is taken very seriously by law enforcement in Parker County, Texas, and should be by you as well if your traffic warrant remains out for you. Although a serious event, however, ensuring that your warrant is lifted does not have to be a complicated legal task for you to carry out, nor is it something that you must attempt to accomplish on your own. With the right people on your side to assist you, ensuring that your warrant is lifted and your arrest avoided may very well be a smooth process. In your case, the right people to provide you with that assistance may be the legal experts at the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. We hold the authority to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of eligible drivers in Parker County and surrounding communities, and may be able to provide you with these same services. If we are, Warrant Roundup season will no longer be of any concern to you.

Get Your Parker County Warrant Lifted Today With Help From Us

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Click here for a full list of North Texas cities participating in the roundup