Parker County JP #3 Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Warrant Roundup Season Underway in Parker County, Texas
Are you aware of the Parker County Warrant Roundup? A local branch of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, an annual police operation taking place State-wide, this event sees law enforcement focusing their attentions of finding, and apprehending, drivers with pending traffic warrants. If you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Parker County Justice of the Peace Court #3, Warrant Roundup season should be of especial concern to you, as it may see you arrested because of your warrant. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno, a local traffic ticket law firm, may be able to help you avoid arrest. Among other legal services provided, we offer experienced professional defense against:
- Speeding tickets/other traffic violations
- DWI/DUI charges
- Driver’s license suspension
- CDL violations
- City ordinance citations
Another service we offer to eligible clients is the lifting of outstanding traffic warrants, including during the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. If you are interested in avoiding arrest during the roundup by ensuring that your warrant is lifted, considering getting in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. We may be able to provide you with the legal counsel you need to do so successfully.
Let Us Help You Get Your Parker County Traffic Warrant Lifted
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Avoid Arrest During This Year’s Parker County Warrant Roundup
Now that you are aware of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, and of the fact that you may be arrested during it should your Parker County traffic warrant remain active, you may now be interested in getting your warrant lifted. If you are, but are uncertain as to how to go about doing so, remember that the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be of service to you. Our traffic ticket attorneys have more than 20 years of experience with the roundup in Parker County, and, if hired to get your warrant lifted for you, will do our very best to provide you with this service. We may also be successful in attempts to post bond for you, so that you may be represented by us later in the Parker County Justice Court #3.
Parker County Warrants Lifted —- Bonds Posted
Contact me | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Learn more about the Great Texas Warrant Roundup