Palmer CDL Defense Lawyer
Have You Been Written a CDL Violation in Palmer, Texas?
On a daily basis in the Ellis County town of Palmer, Texas, drivers caught violating traffic law are pulled over by police and written tickets for their offenses. While being written a citation can be a stressful event for any motorist, whether Class C or CDL, it may be especially stressful in the case that you hold a commercial driver’s license. You may hold a CDL for work as a trucker, bus driver, or other professional motorist. If so, you most likely also must maintain your clean driving record, as proof for your employer that you are a responsible driver. If you have a pending Palmer CDL or trucking violation on your hands, it may therefore not be in your best interest to plead guilty to your offense, whether it be for speeding, violating a weight limit at a D.O.T stop, or another moving violation. This is for the fact that points will be added to your driving record irreversibly if you do plead guilty to your offense. While it may instead be in your better interest to challenge your violation in court, you do not have to attempt to do so on your own. You may seek professional legal counsel in challenging your ticket, counsel that may be provided you by Jack Byno & Associates.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno is a North Texas-based traffic ticket law firm that has been in practice in Ellis County for over 20 years. We offer to defend both Class C motorists and CDL holders against violations written to them by police in the City of Palmer. We may do so in one of two ways:
- By seeking you a favorable plea deal in court, in lieu of points added to your driving record
- By fighting your ticket outright, at an official trial setting
In Palmer, Texas, CDL Violations Challenged
Contact me | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Additional info on Ellis County CDL and trucking violations
CDL Holders Look to Lift Palmer Traffic Warrants
As a trucker or other professional motorist, it is your responsibility to abide by traffic law at all times while behind the wheel. If you do not abide by the law, and are caught by Palmer police, you may expect to be written a CDL or trucking violation. If you do not respond to your CDL violation in due time, neither pleading guilty to it nor challenging it in court, you may then expect to be issued a traffic warrant by the Palmer Municipal Court. If you have been issued a traffic warrant by the court, it is a warrant for your arrest, and must be lifted unless it lead to your arrest in the very near future. If you are arrested, your career as a CDL driver may be threatened, as you cannot continue to work from behind bars. Fortunately, if you are now looking to avoid arrest by ensuring that your Palmer warrant is lifted, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be of service to you. Among other traffic-related legal services provided, we offer to lift warrants and post bonds on behalf of our qualified Ellis County CDL clients. If we are able to lift your outstanding Palmer warrant, and are also able to post bond for you, your arrest because of your warrant will no longer be a possibility, and you may also expect to be defended later in court.
Need Help Lifting Your Palmer Traffic Warrant?
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Learn more about your traffic warrant, and the Palmer Warrant Roundup