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20 years


This Year’s Ovilla Warrant Roundup Kicks Off

Maybe recently you were pulled over and written a traffic ticket by a police officer in Ovilla, Texas. No matter the reason behind the issuance of your citation, whether you were speeding or otherwise violating a traffic law, it was your responsibility to respond to your citation by the date it was due. If you did not, and if your ticket went past due, the Ovilla Municipal Court more than likely issued a warrant for your arrest. If so, and if your warrant remains active, please be advised of the annual Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Now underway in Ovilla and other Ellis County communities, this event sees police working especially hard to find, and arrest, drivers with such traffic warrants. Before officers arrest you this Warrant Roundup season, consider getting your Ovilla warrant lifted. A lawyer with Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to help you do so. A law practice with more than 20 years of experience, we know what it takes to get bonds posted and traffic warrants lifted on behalf of our eligible clients in Ellis County.

Need Help Getting Your Ovilla Traffic Warrant Lifted?

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Click here for additional info on the Warrant Roundup

Drivers Seek Lawyer’s Help During Ovilla Warrant Roundup

The Great Texas Warrant Roundup is taken very seriously by the police department in the City of Ovilla, and by officers all across the greater Ellis County area. If you have not yet made an effort to ensure that your Ovilla traffic warrant is lifted, you should also be taking this annual event seriously. Because of the very real possibility of your arrest should your traffic warrant remain out for you, why not consider taking legal action today to get your warrant lifted? It is the only way that you may be sure to steer clear of arrest during the Ovilla Warrant Roundup. Remember that you do not have to attempt to get your warrant lifted on your own doing; you may seek professional legal help in doing so. This help may be provided you by Jack Byno & Associates, whose traffic ticket lawyers know how to lift warrants and post bonds on behalf of their qualified clients. If you hire us to get your warrant lifted and to post bond for you, and if these services are carried out on your behalf swiftly and successfully, you will no longer have to concern yourself with the possibility of arrest during the roundup.

Ellis County Attorney Works to Get Traffic Warrants Lifted

Contact me | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Learn more about your traffic warrant and how it may be lifted