More Than
20 years


New Fairview CDL Defense Lawyer

In New Fairview, CDL Violations Challenged in Court

Are you a trucker, bus driver, or otherwise someone who holds a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for work purposes? Are you required by your employer to maintain your clean driving record, as proof of your ability to drive safely while behind the wheel? If you are, and while you strive at all times to obey traffic law lest you be pulled over and written a traffic ticket, let’s say that you were recently written a CDL or trucking violation while behind the wheel in New Fairview, Texas. You may have been along your work route or at a D.O.T. stop, for speeding, failing to yield right of way, violating a vehicle weight limit, or otherwise violating traffic law. If you are hopeful to protect your clean record against points (which would be added to your record if you pleaded guilty to your charges), you may now be considering challenging your ticket in a court of law. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno, a respected traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in the Wise County area, may be able to assist you in challenging your New Fairview CDL violation. You may hire us to either a) plead your case for a possible deal, in lieu of points added to your driving record, or b) fight your ticket at an official trial setting, in hopes of getting it dismissed.

Considering Challenging Your New Fairview CDL Violation?

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Warrants Issued Over Past-Due New Fairview CDL Violations

Once your CDL or trucking violation has been written and placed in your hand by New Fairview police, it becomes your responsibility to respond to your charges by the date that they are due. If you do not fulfill your responsibility to respond to your violation, neither pleading guilty to it nor challenging it in a court of law, it may eventually go into warrant. In other words, as a penalty for your past-due ticket, the New Fairview Police Department may issue a warrant for your arrest. A traffic warrant issued for you by the court is just as serious as it sounds and, unless lifted, may eventually lead to your arrest and incarceration. If you are hopeful to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, so that you may continue to focus on your career as a professional CDL driver, your traffic warrant must be lifted. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be able to assist you in accomplishing this endeavor. Since the establishment of our firm in 1994, we have gotten bonds posted and traffic warrants lifted on behalf of our eligible Class C and CDL clients (among other legal services provided). If we are able to lift your warrant and post bond for you, you will no longer have to concern yourself with the possibility of being taken into custody.

Has Your New Fairview CDL Violation Gone Into Warrant?

Contact me || Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Learn more about:

Wise County CDL and trucking violations

Traffic warrants and bonds

–The New Fairview Warrant Roundup