Murphy Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Please Be Advised of the Murphy Warrant Roundup
If you are not already aware, please be advised of the annual Murphy Warrant Roundup. A local extension of the State-wide Great Texas Warrant Roundup, this event should be of concern to you if you have been issued a traffic warrant by the Murphy Municipal Court. Following the start of Warrant Roundup season each year, police are required to step up their searches for motorists like you with such traffic warrants. Lest you be apprehended by police because of your Murphy warrant, it must be lifted, and as soon as possible. Jack Byno & Associates is a local traffic ticket law firm that specializes in defense against:
- Speeding tickets/other traffic violations
- CDL and trucking violations
- Driver’s license suspension
- City ordinance citations
- Traffic warrants
We may be able to help you in ensuring that your traffic warrant is lifted so that your arrest may be avoided.
Let Us Help You Get Your Murphy Traffic Warrant Lifted
Contact me, attorney Jack Byno, today | 817-685-0912
Additional information on Warrant Roundup in Collin County
Steer Clear of Arrest During Murphy Warrant Roundup
The Murphy Police Department is no stranger to the annual Great Texas Warrant Roundup, nor is law enforcement elsewhere in Collin County. As it so happens, neither is the Jack Byno & Associates. Our experienced traffic ticket lawyers have been dealing with Warrant Roundup season in North Texas for over 20 years, and know what it takes to get warrants lifted and bonds posted on behalf of our eligible clients. If we are able to get your Murphy warrant lifted, your arrest because of it will no longer be a possibility. In the case that we are also able to post bond for you, it will act as a promise from us to appear in court later as your legal representative. Do not let this year’s Murphy Warrant Roundup result in your arrest and incarceration; take action today to get your warrant lifted with help from Jack Byno & Associates.
Defense Provided During Murphy Warrant Roundup
Contact me | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912