Merit CDL Defense Lawyer
Merit Police Write Traffic Tickets to CDL Drivers
The Merit Police Department, and law enforcement elsewhere in Hunt County, Texas, writes traffic tickets to motorists each and every day. Any driver may be subjected to a traffic stop for an offense committed and written a citation at the discretion of police, whether that driver hold a commercial driver’s license or Class C license. However, if you are written a violation as a CDL holder, you may be more concerned about your citation than the average motorist would be. This is for the fact that truckers, bus drivers, and other professional motorists are generally required by their employers to maintain their clean driving records. Upon being written your CDL or trucking violation (whether it be for speeding, an over weight violation, or any other offense charged on the road or at a D.O.T. stop) you must respond to your ticket by the date that it is due. You may do so by either:
- Pleading guilty to your Merit CDL violation
- Challenging your violation
Jack Byno & Associates, a traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience in Hunt County and surrounding regions, knows what it takes to defend Class C and CDL motorists in court. If you hire us to assist you in the disputation of your Merit, Texas CDL violation (as opposed to you simply pleading guilty to it and allowing points to blemish your driving record), we may do so by either a) pleading your case for a possible deal, or b) fighting your violation at trial.
Issued a CDL or Trucking Violation in the City of Merit?
Contact me today | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
More info on disputation of Hunt County CDL violations
Overdue Merit CDL Violations Go Into Warrant
However trivial and unimportant your Merit CDL or trucking violation may seem, it is imperative that you respond to it in due time. If you do not respond to your violation, neither pleading guilty to it nor challenging it in a court of law, it may go into warrant status. In other words, the Merit Municipal Court (which does not tolerate overdue tickets of any kind) may issue a warrant for your arrest as a penalty. Once a traffic warrant has been issued for you by the court, your situation is much more serious and demanding of your attention than it was before. If you are arrested over your past-due citation, in a worst-case scenario your job as a professional CDL driver could be lost, as your could not continue to work from behind bars. If you are hopeful to avoid arrest, and to protect your livelihood in the process, your Merit traffic warrant must be lifted, and as soon as possible. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be retained to assist you in lifting your warrant. If you are eligible, we may even lift your warrant for you, and post bond for you as well as a promise to represent you later in court.
If Your Merit CDL Violation Has Gone Into Warrant…
Contact me || Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
More info on Merit traffic warrants and bonds posted
Learn about the Great Texas Warrant Roundup