More Than
20 years


Melissa Traffic Ticket Attorney

City of Melissa, Texas Traffic Ticket Lawyers

I am Jack Byno, a traffic ticket attorney that has been representing clients in Collin County, Texas since 1994. The  Melissa Municipal Court handles the judicial processing of all Class C Misdemeanors that originate from traffic ticket, animal control citations, and city ordinance violations. The court is responsible for the orderly disposition of all cases for which it has jurisdiction. The lawyers of my form can help you with speeding tickets, lifting traffic warrants, CDL violations, and  driver’s license suspension hearings. If you need a lawyer with experience  contact me.

Collin County, Texas Speeding Ticket Attorneys

In an effort to keep your  City of Melissa speeding ticket off of your record, the lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates will attempt to plea your case to a deferred disposition. This is a form of probation, that if granted and successfully completed will result in your  speeding ticket being dismissed and not appearing on your driving record.  Contact me to determine if you may qualify for probation on your Collin County speeding ticket.

Lawyer Posts Bonds and Lifts Melissa, Texas Traffic Warrants

If you have traffic warrants in  Collin County, Texas the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can post bond and lift them. If you have been contacted regarding your  traffic warrants it is time to take them seriously. The City of Melissa participates in the statewide warrant roundup and they do actively look for people with traffic warrants. If you retain the services of our lawyers, we will post bond, lift the warrant, and plea your case to the best deal we can make on your behalf.  Contact me to lift your warrant before the statewide warrant roundup catches up with you.
More about  Melissa Warrant Roundup .

Collin County Attorney Defends CDL & Trucking Violations

Do you have a  commercial driver’s license and received a traffic ticket in Melissa, Texas? As a CDL holder it is imperative that you keep your driving record clean. Since 1994, I have been representing clients in the municipal courts of Collin County. I understand that the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) does not have much sympathy for truck drivers. Unfortunately, the law does not permit CDL holders to take a defensive driving class or deferred disposition.  Contact a lawyer with experience to discuss your options.

Contact Me

I have been representing clients with traffic tickets in Collin County since 1994. If you have a speeding ticket in Melissa, Texas or if you have a traffic warrant  today. in most cases I can plead your case to a deferred disposition which is a type of probation. Assuming you qualify for the probation and successfully complete it, the citation will not appear on your driving record. Unfortunately, CDL holders are not eligible for probation. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can be retained to defend you in a Collin County driver’s license suspension hearing.
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