Mayfield Traffic Ticket Attorney
City of Mayfield, Texas, Traffic Ticket Attorney
Jack Byno & Associates is a reputable traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in Hill County. We represent clients all over the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area, including in the City of Mayfield, against these and other traffic-related legal issues:
- Speeding tickets
- Traffic warrants
- Trucking violations
- CDL violations
No matter whether you hold a Class C driver’s license or are a professional CDL driver, you may retain us to help you with any of the aforementioned issues. Our skilled traffic ticket lawyers understand that you simply want to stay behind the wheel and protect your driving record if at all possible. We may be able to assist you in accomplishing these goals.
Defense Provided Against Hill County Traffic Violations
Contact me, attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Has Your Mayfield Speeding Ticket Gone Into Warrant?
Maybe you have a bad habit of driving too fast while behind the wheel. If so, and in the case that you were recently written a speeding ticket in Mayfield, Texas, you must respond to your violation in one of two ways. You may respond by pleading guilty to driving over the legal speed limit, but points will be added to your driving record if you do so, and you will be obliged to pay a fine. You may instead respond by challenging your charges in court, in hopes of protecting your record against points.
While Jack Byno & Associates may be able to assist you should you decide upon the latter of the two options, perhaps you have not responded to your speeding ticket at all. Maybe your citation is even overdue. If so, the Mayfield Municipal Court may soon issue you a speeding warrant, if they haven’t already. Your speeding warrant is a warrant for your arrest, and the only way to avoid being taken into custody is to ensure that your warrant is lifted. This is a task that Jack Byno & Associates may be able to carry out on your behalf. If we are able to get your traffic warrant lifted, and bond posted for you, you will no longer have to concern yourself with the possibility of arrest.
Warrants Lifted and Bonds Posted by Hill County Attorney
Contact me | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Learn more: Traffic warrants and Warrant Roundup season
Truckers’ Mayfield CDL Violations Challenged in Court
It is a stressful experience for any driver to be pulled over by a police officer and given a traffic ticket. But it may be especially stressful for a CDL driver. CDL motorists must make it a priority to maintain their clean driving records, lest their careers as professional drivers are placed on the line. If you hold a commercial driver’s license, and have been issued a trucking violation while on the job in the Hill County City of Mayfield, you may be hesitant to plead guilty to it, as points will be added to your otherwise clean driving record if you do so. Is this the situation you find yourself in now? Then do not let another second go by without picking up the phone and contacting Jack Byno & Associates. We may be able to help you challenge your CDL violation in the Mayfield Municipal Court, in an effort to help you protect your clean record and means of living.
Let Us Help You with Your Mayfield CDL Violation
Contact me, attorney Jack Byno, today || 817-685-0912
More information on Hill County CDL violations