Lake Worth Traffic Ticket Attorney
City of Lake Worth, Texas Traffic Ticket Lawyers
I am Jack Byno, a Lake Worth, Texas traffic ticket attorney. I have been representing clients with their traffic violations since 1994 and I can help you with your Tarrant County traffic citations. When you receive a traffic ticket you have three plea option available to you:
- Guilty: You admit that the traffic violation you committed is a violation of the law, and you have no legal defense;
- No Contest: You do not contest the charge against you, nor admit guilt. However, based on your plea, there is enough evidence for the court to find you guilty;
- Not Guilty: You are informing the court that you deny guilt or that you have a defense. The State must then prove the charges against you.
Every defendant’s situation is different and so are the facts of each case. Contact the lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates to discuss your Lake Worth traffic ticket.
Tarrant County Attorney Defends Speeding Tickets
If you have received a speeding ticket in Lake Worth, Texas you may want to retain a lawyer to help you. If you hire the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates, we can appear in the Lake Worth Municipal Court on your behalf and work out the best deal we can on your speeding citation . Typically, this means getting you deferred adjudication, also called “probation.” The terms of probation are simple, pay your court fees on time, do not get another ticket while on probation, and if you are under 25 you must take a defensive driving class. Contact me to see if you qualify for the probation on your Lake Worth speeding ticket.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets.
Lake Worth Traffic Warrants Lifted By A Traffic Ticket Lawyer
There are two common types of traffic warrants issued in Lake Worth traffic cases. An alias warrant is what the court issues when a person fails to respond or show up for a hearing on a traffic citation. If you have an alias warrant our lawyers can post a bond, lift your warrant, and appear in court on your behalf to plead your case to the best deal we can make. A capias warrant, on the other hand, is issued when you do not comply with the judgment of the court. For this type of warrant all you can do is pay the fine or sit it out in jail. Lake Worth participates in the statewide warrant roundup . Contact me before the Tarrant County warrant roundup catches up with you.
Special note: At the time of this writing the statewide warrant roundup has begun!
More about Lake Worth Warrant Roundup .
More about Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup.
Tarrant County Attorneys Represent CDL Holders
My name is Jack Byno and I have been representing CDL holders in Tarrant County, Texas since 1994. I am regularly represent clients in all the traffic courts of the county and have the experience you need. The law does not permit commercial driver’s license holders to be placed on probation or take a defensive driving class for moving violations. I know that any blemishes on your driving record can effect your livelihood. Contact me to discuss your options in the Lake Worth Municipal Court.
Contact Me
I am Jack Byno and I have been helping clients with their traffic tickets written by the City of Lake Worth Police Department since 1994. If you have a Lake Worth speeding ticket or traffic warrant contact me . My experienced attorneys can assist you with a driver’s license suspension hearings and CDL violations in all of the municipal courts of Tarrant County. If you have a traffic warrant make sure you take care of it ASAP! At the time of this writing the statewide warrant round up is taking place and the Lake Worth Police Department does take part in it.
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