Kaufman County CDL Defense Lawyer
Attorney Defends CDL Drivers In Kaufman County
Jack Byno & Associates is a respected traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in Kaufman County, Texas and neighboring North Texas communities. We defend motorists against speeding tickets and other moving violations, traffic warrants, and CDL violations among other legal services provided. In the case that you are a bus driver, emergency vehicle operator, or interstate trucker who holds a commercial driver’s license for work purposes, and are currently struggling to deal with a trucking violation or even a traffic warrant in Kaufman County, Texas, Jack Byno & Associates may be of service to you. You may hire us as your legal representative so that we may provide you with the professional legal defense your case deserves.
Kaufman County CDL Drivers- Let Us Help You
Contact me | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
More on CDL violations and how they may be disputed
Been Written A CDL Violation In Kaufman County, Texas?
In Kaufman County, Texas, any driver caught violating traffic law may be pulled over at the discretion of police and written a citation, even a CDL holder behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle. In the case that you are a professional motorist recently written a CDL or trucking violation while on the job in Kaufman County, Texas, and are now stressing over how you should respond to your citation, contact the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. We understand that you simply want to protect your clean driving record and means of living if at all possible, and we may be able to help you do so by challenging your violation on your behalf in the Kaufman County Justice of the Peace Court. We may do this by either pleading your case for a favorable deal, or by fighting your ticket at an official trial setting in hopes of getting it dismissed. While our lawyers may very well be able to dispute your violation in court on your behalf, if you are otherwise unable to appear in court yourself, we would still advise to remain aware of the usual D.O.T. stops on your route, as well as traffic law.
Contact me for aggressive defense | 817-685-0912
Kaufman County Warrants Lifted On Behalf Of CDL Drivers
When tickets are written to drivers in Kaufman County, but are not responded to in due time, the Kaufman County Justice of the Peace Court takes notice. Perhaps you are a professional motorist who has forgotten about, or otherwise failed to respond to, a CDL or trucking violation issued to you in Kaufman County. If your violation is now overdue, do not be surprised if the Justice Court issued you a traffic warrant as a penalty. A traffic warrant issued for you is an arrest warrant and, unless lifted, may eventually result in you being taken into custody by police. Fortunately, Jack Byno & Associates is able to lift such warrants of behalf of our clients. If you retain us to get your warrant lifted, we may very well be able to carry our this task on your behalf, and post bond for you as well so that your case may be defended at a later date in court.