More Than
20 years


Johnson County Traffic Ticket Attorney

Attorney Challenges Traffic Tickets In Johnson County, Texas

Jack Byno & Associates is a local traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in Johnson County and surrounding North Texas communities. Since the establishment of our practice in 1994, we have provided professional defense against speeding tickets, traffic warrants, trucking violations, and similar legal difficulties. No matter whether you hold a Class C driver’s license or CDL, if you are seeking counsel in regards to a traffic or city ordinance-related legal matter, you may retain Jack Byno & Associates to provide you with the representation in court that your case deserves.

Need Help Challenging Your Johnson County Traffic Ticket?

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Lawyer Helps Johnson County CDL Drivers Dispute Violations

Any driver may be pulled over at the discretion of police and written a traffic ticket, even a CDL driver behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler. But unlike the average, Class C motorist, someone who holds a commercial driver’s license for work purposes may be especially concerned about their violation, as it may end up as points on their clean driving record, which they must maintain. If you are a bus driver, interstate trucker, or other commercial motorist recently written a CDL violation in Johnson County, and are keen to defend your clean record, consider retaining representation from Jack Byno & Associates. We understand that it is your main goal to safeguard your livelihood if at all possible, and this becomes our goal as well the second we are hired as your legal representative.

Interested in Challenging Your Johnson County CDL Violation?

Contact me, Jack Byno, today at 817-685-0912

More regarding CDL violations

Speeding Tickets Fought in Johnson County, Texas

Although illegal, driving over the legal speed limit is often times a very easy traffic offense to commit, making the speeding ticket one of the most common traffic violations written to motorists in North Texas. Perhaps you have a penchant for driving too fast while behind the wheel, and were recently caught doing so by police radar in Johnson County. If you now have a speeding ticket on your hands, you must either plead guilty to your charges or challenge them before your citation goes past due. If you are considering challenging your violation, as points will be added to your record if you plead guilty, consider taking such action with help from the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. We may be able to assist you in the disputation of your traffic ticket, by either pleading your case for a possible deal, or by fighting your citation at trial in hopes of getting it dismissed.

Let Us Help You with Your Johnson County Speeding Ticket

Contact me, Jack Byno | 817-685-0912

Has Your Johnson County Violation Gone Into Warrant?

In Johnson County, Texas, when a driver is written a traffic ticket by law enforcement, it is the responsibility of that driver to respond to their violation by the date it is due, by either pleading guilty to it or by challenging it in court. When said driver fails to respond to their violation, even to the point that it goes past due, the Johnson County Justice of the Peace Court may very well issue a warrant for the arrest of that driver. Have you been issued a traffic warrant by the Johnson County Justice Court, after failing to respond in time to your traffic ticket? If so, and if you are hoping to steer clear of arrest if at all possible, contact the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. We may be able to help you avoid arrest by getting your warrant lifted, and by posting bond for you.

Warrants Lifted and Bonds Posted in Johnson County, Texas

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Related: Great Texas Warrant Roundup