Jail Release And Bail Bonds
Attorney Posts Bail Bonds For Traffic Tickets .
Did you receive a traffic ticket? Did you let it go past the due date? Were you arrested? Jack Byno & Associates have represented clients with speeding and other traffic violations since 1994. Our firm handles all traffic related violations in the entire greater Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex. If you were arrested and you need an attorney to post bond for you in order to be released from jail contact us now! .
More about Traffic tickets . .
Our Lawyers Can Assist With Posting Bond .
When you have a traffic ticket and it goes to warrant, you may be arrested. Ideally, you should hire the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates to lift your traffic warrants before you get arrested. We can post bond, get the warrant lifted, and appear in court on your behalf to plea the case to the best deal we can make. After pleading your case, we will send you written notice of your obligations to the court and your new deadlines. Contact me now to get your traffic warrants lifted! .
Learn about the Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup. .
Do You Need Immediate Jail Release? .
Are you in jail now? Our lawyers are standing by right now to post bond and get you released from custody. When you retain our services, we will contact the jail that is holding you, find out the bond amounts, and assuming you are bondable, post bond, and get you out. Do not hesitate to contact us now for immediate jail release! .
More about the Approaching Warrant Roundup. .
Retain An Attorney Rather Than A Bail Bondsman .
A bail bondsman is only licensed to post a bond to get you out of jail. He cannot represent you in court. Only an attorney can do that! In other words, once you are out of jail you will still have to keep track of your traffic violations, citations, and tickets on your own. On the other hand, when you retain a traffic ticket attorney to post bond, like us, we can post bond and appear in court on your behalf. To put it simply, its one stop shopping. Our attorneys can get you out of jail and represent you in court. Contact me now for legal representation by a lawyer! .
Special note : The statewide warrant roundup has begun! There are a lot of cities participating in the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. .
Jail Release Provided In The Following Counties: .
Collin County | Hill County | Rains County |
Cooke County | Hunt County | Rockwall County |
Dallas County | Johnson County | Tarrant County |
Denton County | Kaufman County | Wise County |
Ellis County | Navarro County | |
Henderson County | Parker County |
Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation. .
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