More Than
20 years


Itasca CDL Defense Lawyer

Have You Been Issued A CDL Violation In Itasca, Texas?

Every day in Hill County, Texas and surrounding North Texas communities, law enforcement writes traffic tickets to motorists who are caught breaking traffic law. While any driver may be written a citation for an offense committed, it is perhaps more stressful to be written a ticket as someone who holds a commercial driver’s license (CDL), than as a Class C motorist. This is for the fact that truckers and other professional drivers are more often than not required by their employers to maintain their clean driving records, something that is generally not required of Class C drivers. If you have been written a CDL or trucking violation by police, perhaps in the Hill County City of Itasca, for speeding, an over weight violation, or any other offense, you may be concerned about your violation ending up as points on your driving record. Because it will if you plead guilty to it, it may be a wiser option to challenge your violation instead.

Jack Byno & Associates is a traffic ticket law firm with over 20 years of experience providing defense to both Class C and CDL drivers in Hill County. If you choose to hire us to defend your driving record (and means of living) against your Itasca CDL violation, we may do so by either

  • Seeking your a plea agreement, in place of points added to your driving record
  • Fighting your Itasca violation at trial

Please note: If you choose to fight your ticket at trial with our assistance, you may be required to appear in court alongside us as present you case to the judge. Should you instead choose to seek a favorable plea agreement, you may not be required to appear. This may be a better option for you in the case that you are hoping to continue your work as a CDL driver while your case remains in court. If you do continue work, however, please be aware of D.O.T. stops along your route.

Interested in Challenging Your Itasca CDL Violation?

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno, at 817-685-0912

Learn more about Hill County CDL and trucking violations

What Happens When Itasca CDL Violations Go Into Warrant?

While in an ideal scenario you would respond to your Itasca, Texas CDL violation by its specified due date, sometimes this is not always the case. If you have allowed a traffic ticket written to you by law enforcement to become overdue, it may go into warrant. What happens when a violation goes into warrant, you ask? If your Itasca CDL or trucking violation has fallen into warrant status, it means that the Itasca Municipal Court has issued a warrant for your arrest as a penalty for your overdue violation. A traffic warrant is unfortunately just as serious at it sounds, and there is only one way that you may steer clear of arrest once one has been issued for you. You must take legal action, and quickly, to get your warrant lifted. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be retained to assist you in doing so. Since 1994, the year we were first established in Itasca, we have gotten bonds posted and traffic warrants lifted on behalf of our valued clients. If you are eligible, and seek assistance from us in lifting your Itasca warrant, we will do our very best to do just that.

If Your Itasca CDL Violation Has Fallen Into Warrant…

Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Find out more about bonds posted and warrants lifted


Click here to learn about the Itasca Warrant Roundup