Hill County Traffic Ticket Attorney
Attorney Defends Motorists in Hill County, Texas
In Hill County, Texas, drivers face legal issues of all kinds on a daily basis. These issues can range from speeding tickets and other traffic violations to warrants issued for them by the Justice Court. If you are a Class C motorist or CDL driver currently up against a traffic-related legal woe in Hill County, consider getting in touch with Jack Byno & Associates. A traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience in North Texas, our skilled attorneys help drivers deal with:
- Speeding tickets/other moving violations
- Traffic warrants
- Trucking violations
- City ordinance citations
We may be able to assist you with any of the above-mentioned dilemmas, in an effort to help you stay on the roads and protect your driving record.
Need Help With Your Hill County Traffic Violation?
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Traffic tickets disputed- Additional information
Overdue Hill County Speeding Tickets Fall Into Warrant Status
Have you been written a speeding ticket in Hill County, Texas? You may have been if you have a bad habit of driving too fast while behind the wheel. No matter whether you hold a Class C driver’s license or CDL, you must either plead guilty to your offense, or challenge your charges, by the date they are due. Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to help you challenge your violation in court, if you would rather not plead guilty and allow points to blemish your record. If you neither plead guilty nor dispute your speeding ticket, but simply allow it to become outstanding, the Hill County Justice of the Peace Court may be prompted to issue a warrant for your arrest. Your speeding warrant is just as serious as it sounds and, unless lifted in a timely manner, may soon result in your arrest and incarceration. If you are interested in getting your warrant lifted, in hopes of avoiding arresting, Jack Byno & Associates may still be of service to you. We may be able to get your warrant lifted for you, and may also post bond for you as a promise to represent you later in court.
Get Your Hill County Speeding Warrant Lifted
Contact me for assistance | 817-685-0912
Related: Warrant Roundup season
CDL Drivers in Hill County Look to Dispute Trucking Violations
No matter whether you hold a Class C driver’s license or CDL, getting pulled over and written a traffic ticket can be a stressful experience for any motorist. In the case that you do hold a commercial driver’s license, and have been issued a violation while on the job in Hill County, you may be more concerned than the average motorist would be about your violation. This is because your career as a professional driver is dependent upon your clean driving record, and reputation as a responsible driver. In the case that pleading guilty to your charges and letting points blemish your record is therefore out of the question for you, you may instead be interested in disputing your citation in court. The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be hired to assist you in doing so. We know what it takes to help our CDL clients defend their livelihoods in the Hill County Justice Court, and may even be able to handle your case for you therein should you be unable to appear in court yourself.
Take On Your Hill County CDL Violation with Help from Us
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno, today at 817-685-0912
More on CDL violations and how they may be disputed in court