Haltom City Traffic Ticket Attorney
Haltom City Traffic Ticket Lawyers
I am Jack Byno, and since 1994, I have been a traffic ticket attorney that represents clients in Haltom City, Texas with speeding tickets, lifting traffic warrants, and CDL violations. I can also be retained for driver’s license suspension hearings in Tarrant County. In most cases, either myself or one of the attorneys of my law firm can appear in the Haltom City Municipal Court on your behalf, review the case, plead the traffic ticket to the best deal we can, and then communicate the outcome to you. Contact me for help with your Haltom City traffic tickets.
Tarrant County Attorney Defends Speeding Tickets
I am Jack Byno, and I have been representing clients in the Haltom City Municipal Court with speeding tickets and other violations since 1994. The attorneys of my firm can appear in court on your behalf and keep your speeding ticket off of you driving record by requesting deferred disposition. Not everyone qualifies for this form of probation (for example: CDL holders). However, most people are eligible and we can normally work out a deal to keep the speeding citation off of your driving record. Contact Jack Byno & Associates to determine if your can keep your Haltom City speeding ticket off your driving record.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets.
Haltom City Traffic Ticket Warrants Lifted By A Lawyer
Did a Haltom City Police officer write you a speeding ticket or some other traffic ticket? Did you fail to appear in the Haltom City Municipal Court as directed on the citation? You are not alone. Everyday people do not take care of their traffic tickets. Are you now prepared to lift your traffic warrant? The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can post bonds and lift warrants for speeding and other traffic tickets in Haltom City. After the warrants are lifted the court will assign a court date, called an “attorney plea docket.” This is a court date for your lawyer to appear in court and plea your case to the best deal we can make. Contact a lawyer to lift your Tarrant County traffic warrants.
More about Haltom City Warrant Roundup .
More about Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup.
Tarrant County Attorneys Represent CDL Holders
Do you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and received a speeding ticket in Haltom City, Texas, Texas? As a CDL holder it is imperative that you keep your driving record clean. Your livelihood depends upon it. I am Jack Byno, a traffic ticket attorney and I have been defending truck drivers since 1994 in Tarrant County. If your livelihood is on the line you want a lawyer with experience. Contact me to determine how our attorneys can help you with a CDL violation in Haltom City.
Contact Me
I am Jack Byno, and I have been helping clients with their traffic tickets in Tarrant County, Texas, since 1994. If you have a speeding ticket in Haltom City or you need to have a traffic warrant lifted contact me today. Our experienced attorneys can also assist you with driver’s license suspension hearings and CDL violations in all of the municipal courts of Tarrant County.
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