Grand Prairie Traffic Ticket Attorney
Grand Prairie, Texas Speeding Ticket Attorney.
Located between Dallas and Fort Worth, Grand Prairie is home to more than 175,000 people. Because of its location a lot of people travel through the City every day. Some of those motorists have the misfortune of meeting the City of Grand Prairie police officers that pull them over for speeding. The Grand Prairie police department writes a large number of speeding tickets every day.
If you are one of those drivers in Grand Prairie that receives a speeding ticket do not just pay it. Did you know, if you pay a ticket just to settle it, that is a plea of guilty and the speeding citation will appear on your driving record? That, of course, can lead to higher insurance rates, State surcharges, and possibly a diver’s license suspension if you have gotten to many traffic tickets.
I am Jack Byno, a Grand Prairie traffic ticket attorney. Before you pay your speeding ticket, know your rights and options. Contact me today to discuss what can be done with your citation.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets. .
Grand Prairie, Texas CDL Defense Lawyer
Every day someone with a commercial drivers license (CDL) is pulled over in the City of Grand Prairie and given a ticket for one or more traffic violations. These citations may include offenses like speeding, disregard traffic control device (DTCD), ran stop sign, no insurance (FMFR), and many more.
I have been representing clients with CDL’s in the Grand Prairie Municipal Court since 1994. There are a lot of traffic ticket attorneys in Dallas and Tarrant Counties that defend traffic tickets, but few with as much experience representing truck drivers, as me.
Grand Prairie Traffic Warrant Attorney
If you have received notice that your Grand Prairie speeding ticket is in warrant status, you will need to dispose of it immediately to avoid being arrested. In Grand Prairie, Texas the City Marshals are assigned to actively pursue individuals in warrant.
These traffic warrants are entered into a statewide computer system, are valid throughout the State of Texas, and are accessible to any peace officer. You may retain an attorney to lift your warrants and represent you in the Grand Prairie Municipal Court. Contact me today to see if Jack Byno & Associates can help you lift your warrant.
More about the Grand Prairie Warrant Roundup. .
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Grand Prairie Municipal Court
200 W. Main Street, Grand Prairie, Tx 75053
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