Grand Prairie CDL Defense Lawyer
Grand Prairie CDL Violations Disputed In Court
Individuals who hold commercial driver’s licenses may be pulled over at the discretion of police, just as everyday, Class C drivers may be. That said, in the case that you hold a CDL, you are more than likely more concerned about your violation than the average, Class C driver would be. This is because you as a CDL driver are held to a higher standard. Your clean driving record, which you make a priority to maintain, acts as a sort of proof of your ability to drive safely while behind the wheel. Let’s say that you are a bus driver, commerical trucker, or other professional driver written a traffic violation by police in the Dallas County City of Grand Prairie. If you are keen to defend your livelihood if at all possible, and are looking for an alternative to pleading guilty to your violation, pick up the phone and call the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. For over 20 years, our lawyers have helped CDL drivers protect their clean records, and careers, in Dallas County courts.
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno, at 817-685-0912
More regarding Dallas County CDL violations
Trials For CDL Drivers Looking To Fight Grand Prairie Tickets
Have you decided against pleading guilty to your Grand Prairie CDL violation, in favor of challenging it? If so, congratulations on making a wise decision. Also consider the two options you have when it comes to disputing your charges in a court of law. You may consider seeking a favorable plea agreement, in place of points that would otherwise be added to your record. Or, you may consider fighting your ticket at an official trial setting, in hopes that it will be dismissed completely. Both of these courses of action are neither plans that you must undertake on your own. You may seek professional counsel in doing so from a legal professional, such as the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. If you hire us to seek you a favorable plea deal in court, there is a good chance that you would not have to appear therein with us as we attempt to do so. This may be a benefit to you should work obligations otherwise keep you out of the court room. That said, while your case remains active, our law office would remind you to continue to follow traffic law while behind the wheel and on the job. Also please remain aware of any D.O.T. stops that you may encounter along your route.
Instead of us seeking you a plea deal, you may choose to hire us to fight you Grand Prairie CDL violation at trial. We would do this in an effort to get your ticket dismissed. In this case, more likely than not, you would be required to appear in court with us. You may be asked to give your take in regards to the events surrounding the original issuance of your citation, and the Grand Prairie police officer who wrote you the ticket may be asked to as well. Should the officer fail to appear in court on the date of your scheduled trial, or if all evidence presented is in your favor, your ticket may be dismissed, and you may promptly return to work as a professional CDL driver.
Contact me for experienced legal defense | 817-685-0912
Has Your Grand Prairie CDL Violation Gone Into Warrant?
Any driver issued a traffic ticket, whether that driver be Class C or commercial, should take their violation seriously, and respond to it by the date it is due. If you have been written a CDL or trucking violation in the City of Grand Prairie, Texas, but have promptly forgotten about your violation or otherwise failed to respond to it in due time, the your ticket may have gone into warrant. In other words, the Grand Prairie Municipal Court may have issued a warrant for your arrest as a penalty for your overdue violation. Once a traffic warrant is out for you, it must be lifted, and as soon as possible. If it is not lifted, and you are taken into custody, your career as a professional motorist may be placed on the line. If you are now looking to get your warrant lifted, but are uncertain as to the legal process of doing so, pick up the phone and call Jack Byno & Associates. Our traffic ticket lawyers, since 1994, have held the power to lift warrants and post bonds on behalf of our eligible clients, whether Class C or commercial. If we are able to carry out these services on your behalf, your arrest because of your warrant will no longer be a possibility.