Glenn Heights Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Glenn Heights, Texas Traffic Ticket Attorneys .
I am Jack Byno and I have helped clients with traffic citations in the City of Glenn Heights in Dallas County, Texas since 1994. The lawyers of Jack Byno, & Associates specialize in traffic tickets and other cases relating to driver’s licenses such as, speeding tickets, CDL violations, driver’s license suspension hearings, and occupational driver’s licenses. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you. .
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Glenn Heights traffic tickets.
Glenn Heights, Texas Warrant Roundup Attorneys .
Did a Glenn Heights police officer write you a speeding ticket? Did you allow it to lapse and now you have a traffic warrant? If you do not wish to get arrested, you should take steps to lift your warrant. The attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can post bond to get your warrant lifted. It is important to take your Dallas County warrants seriously because this county does participate in the Statewide Warrant Roundup. If you want to avoid the embarrassment of being arrested for a Glenn Heights traffic warrant contact me today. .
Glenn Heights Traffic Ticket Attorney Lifts Warrants .
When you retain the lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates to lift your Glenn Heights traffic warrants, our staff will contact the court to verify what warrants you have in the Municipal Court and how much the bonds are. We will then post bonds and send a letter of representation to the courthouse. Once the court clerks receive and process the bonds, the traffic warrants will be lifted. We will then plead your case to the best deal we can work out to try and keep the violation off your driving record. Once that is completed, we will send you notice of the outcome, how much your court fees are, and when to pay them by. Contact me to lift your traffic warrants before the Glenn Heights Warrant Roundup comes to your door. .
Contact A Glenn Heights Warrant Roundup Attorney .
Since 1994, I have represented my clients with all types of traffic tickets in Dallas County, Texas. When you need an attorney to fight your Glenn Heights speeding citation, defend your CDL violation, lift your traffic warrant, or be there for your driver’s license suspension hearing contact the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates. .
Special note : The statewide warrant roundup has begun! There are a lot more cities participating in the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. .
Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation.
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