Garrett CDL Defense Lawyer
Garrett CDL and Trucking Violations Challenged in Court
In Garrett, Texas, law enforcement writes traffic tickets to drivers on a daily basis. Have you been written a traffic ticket by Garrett police? Perhaps you were recently while driving with your commercial driver’s license (CDL). In contrast to Class C motorists, you as a CDL driver are required for work purposes to maintain your clean driving record, and may therefore be more concerned about your violation than the average driver would be. No matter the reason behind the issuance of your citation, whether it be for a moving violation such as speeding, or a vehicle-related offense such as an over weight violation, you must respond to your charges in due time. You may do so by either pleading guilty to your charges, or by challenging them in a court of law. Because points will be added to your driving record irreversibly should you plead guilty, it may be in the better interest of your career as a professional driver to challenge your charges instead.
The Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno, a traffic ticket law firm that has been in practice in Ellis County and surrounding regions for over 20 years, may be retained to assist you in challenging your violation. We may do so by either seeking you a favorable plea deal, or by fighting your Garrett CDL violation at trial. Note: should you continue to drive with your CDL while your case remains in the court, we would advise you to remain aware of the occasional D.O.T. stop along your work route, as well as traffic law in general.
Thinking About Challenging Your Garrett CDL Violation?
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
More regarding Ellis County CDL violations
In Garrett, Texas, Ignored CDL Violations Go Into Warrant
When drivers are written traffic or city ordinance tickets by police in North Texas, those drivers are expected to respond to their violations by the dates that they are due. If they are not responded to, and are instead allowed to go past due, the appropriate courts may be prompted to issue traffic warrants for the recipients of the violations. Have you allowed a CDL or trucking violation issued to you in the Ellis County City of Garrett, Texas to become overdue? Has the Garrett Municipal Court issued you a traffic warrant as a penalty? Your traffic warrant is a warrant for your arrest, and unless you take quick legal action to ensure that it is lifted, it will eventually result in your arrest and incarceration. If you are taken into custody by police, your career as a professional motorist may be jeopardized, as you could not, of course, continue your work from behind bars. Fortunately, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be retained to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of its eligible clients. If you hire us to carry out these legal services on your behalf, and in the case that we are able to do so swiftly and successfully, your arrest will no longer be imminent, and you may also be defended later by us in court.
Has Your Garrett CDL Violation Gone Into Warrant?
Contact me || Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
Concerning Garrett traffic warrants