Forney CDL Defense Lawyer
Have You Been Written a CDL Violation in Forney, Texas?
In the Kaufman County City of Forney, Texas, drivers are caught violating traffic law on a daily basis. No matter whether you drive with a Class C license or a CDL (commercial driver’s license), you may be pulled over and charged with speeding or another moving violation, or even a weight limit violation at a D.O.T. stop should you be operating a heavy vehicle. In any case, once a citation is written for you and placed in your hands, it becomes your responsibility to respond to it by the date it is due. You may respond to your Forney CDL or trucking violation in one of two ways. You may respond by pleading guilty to speeding, but points will be added to your driving record should you do so. Or you may respond instead by disputing your charges in court, in order that your driving record (and by extension, your means of living), may be protected. Are you interested in challenging your ticket, but are uncertain if you would be able to do so successfully on your own? Then pick up the phone and call the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. Our traffic ticket lawyers, who have more than 20 years of experience defending CDL drivers in Kaufman County, may be able to either fight your Forney CDL violation in a trial setting, or seek you a plea deal in place of points otherwise added to your record.
Let Us Help You with Your Forney CDL Violation
Contact me || Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
When Forney CDL Violations Go Into Warrant
Traffic tickets written in Kaufman County, Texas, when forgotten about or otherwise neglected to the point that they become overdue, may go into warrant. If your Forney CDL or trucking violation has gone into warrant, it means that the Forney Municipal Court has issued a warrant for your arrest. Because your arrest and imprisonment is unfortunately imminent for as long as your warrant remains out for you, you may want to consider taking legal action to get your warrant lifted. Lifting your Forney traffic warrant is not a task that you must attempt to accomplish on your own; you may seek professional legal guidance in doing so, as it is your right to. This guidance may very well be provided you by the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. Our traffic ticket lawyers, who have been in practice for more than 20 years, understand better than anyone that you simply want to remain on the job and out of jail if at all possible. We may therefore be retained to assist you in getting your traffic warrant lifted, or may even lift it for you should you be an eligible CDL driver. We may also post bond for you, as a promise to appear in court later as your legal representatives.
Kaufman County Traffic Warrants Lifted, Bonds Posted
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Additional info on traffic warrants and how they may be lifted