Forest Hill Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Forest Hill, Texas Traffic Ticket Attorney .
Jack Byno & Associates have represented clients in the Forest Hill Municipal Court and other Tarrant County traffic courts since 1994. Our firm is devoted to the defense of speeding tickets, CDL violations, driver’s license suspension hearings, lifting traffic warrants, and occupational driver’s licenses. Contact our firm if you need a traffic ticket attorney to defend your Forest Hill speeding tickets. .
Statewide Warrant Roundup Lawyer .
The Forest Hill Police Department, as well as, law enforcement agencies from across the State of Texas participate in the Statewide Warrant Roundup. This is an annual event designed to arrest as many people as possible that have outstanding traffic warrants. During the Annual Forest Hill Warrant Roundup, law enforcement officials will be knocking on a lot of doors, making phone calls, and conducting traffic stops in an attempt to arrest as many people as possible that have outstanding traffic warrants. Contact me if you would like more information about getting your traffic warrants lifted. .
Tarrant County Traffic Attorney Lifts Warrants .
When you hire Jack Byno & Associates we will post bond to lift your Forest Hill traffic warrant, appear in court on your behalf, and try to work out the best deal we can to keep the violation off your driving record. Once the bond is processed by the court, the Tarrant County Warrant Roundup will no longer effect you. The attorney will appear in court so you will not have to and then we will notify you of the final disposition, how much your courts fees are, and the due date. Contact me to have your Forest Hill warrants lifted today. .
Contacting a Forest Hill Warrant Roundup Attorney .
Since 1994, the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates have defended traffic tickets in the Forest Hill Municipal Court. We also have represented clients with speeding tickets, occupational driver’s licenses, driver’s license suspension hearings, and CDL and trucking violations. If you have allowed your speeding ticket to go into warrant status, our lawyers can post bond to lift the warrant. Contact Jack Byno & Associates today to help you during the Forest Hill Warrant Roundup. .
Special note : The statewide warrant roundup has begun! There are a lot more cities participating in the Great Texas Warrant Roundup. .
Fines and court costs are not included in fees for legal representation.