Desoto Cdl Defense Lawyer
DeSoto Police Write Tickets to CDL Truck Drivers
In DeSoto, Texas and neighboring Dallas County cities, traffic tickets are written to Class C and commercial drivers alike on a daily basis. Perhaps you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for work as a trucker, bus driver, or other professional motorist. Maybe recently, while on the job in the City of DeSoto, you were found to be speeding or committing another moving violation. Or maybe you were charged with an offense pertaining to your over weight violation. In any case, if you were consequently written a CDL or trucking violation by the officer who pulled you over, you are well aware of the fact that pleading guilty to your charges may not be in your best interest. If you plead guilty, points subsequently added to your driving record may threaten your means of living, by proving your inability to drive safely while behind the wheel. If you instead challenge your DeSoto charges, your record may be protected, and by extension your means of living.
Jack Byno & Associates, a local traffic ticket law firm with more than 20 years of experience with the roundup in Dallas County, may be able to assist you in challenging your violation, by either pleading your case for a deal or by fighting your charges at trial. As your attorneys, we may advise you to remain aware of traffic law at all times while on the job, and while your case remains active in the court. We would also remind you to be watchful for the occasional D.O.T. stop along your route.
Looking to Fight Your DeSoto CDL or Trucking Violation?
Contact me for aggressive representation | 817-685-0912
Has Your DeSoto CDL Violation Gone Into Warrant?
Instances in which CDL drivers neither plead guilty to trucking violations written to them in the City of DeSoto, nor challenge their charges by their specified due dates, these drivers may be issued traffic warrants by the DeSoto Municipal Court. If your DeSoto CDL violation is overdue, a traffic warrant issued for you by the court is a warrant for your arrest. Once a warrant is out for you, your case is more serious than it was before. If you are arrested over your warrant, you will not be able to see to your work duties as a commercial driver. In a worst-case scenario, you may even lose your job. Fortunately, even as a CDL driver and someone who is held to a higher standard than the average, Class C driver, you may take steps to steer clear of arrest. You may take legal action to ensure that your DeSoto traffic warrant is lifted. You may also seek help in doing so; you do not have to try and lift your warrant on your own. Jack Byno & Associates, which holds the power to lift traffic warrants and to post bonds on behalf of its eligible clients, may be retained to provide you with this legal help.
Warrants Lifted and Bonds Posted in DeSoto, Texas
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno, today at 817-685-0912
*More regarding Dallas County CDL violations and how they may be challenged
*Additional info on traffic warrants and how they may be lifted
*Related note: the Great Texas Warrant Roundup