Commerce Traffic Ticket Attorney
City of Commerce, Texas Traffic Ticket Lawyers
My name is Jack Byno and I am an attorney that has been representing clients with traffic tickets in Hunt County, Texas since 1994. One of the benefits of hiring the attorneys of my law firm to represent you with your Commerce speeding ticket is, we can appear in court on your behalf, work out the best deal we can, and then communicate the outcome to you. Typically, our lawyers can work out a deal for deferred disposition (probation). Assuming you qualify for the probation and successfully complete it, the case will be dismissed at the end of the probation period. Contact me for help with your Commerce, Texas traffic warrants, CDL violations, and driver’s license suspension hearings.
Hunt County Attorneys Defend Speeding Tickets In Commerce
The lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates can help with your Commerce speeding tickets and other traffic violations. Our attorneys represent clients in the Commerce Municipal Court with speeding tickets, CDL violations, and many other charges. In most situations an attorney from my firm can appear in the municipal court on your behalf and get deferred adjudication. That is a type of probation that, assuming you successfully complete it, will keep the speeding traffic ticket off of your record. Thus, it would not impact your insurance rates or cause state surcharges. Contact me to find out if you qualify for deferred adjudication in Hunt County.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets.
Lawyer Lifts Traffic Warrants In Commerce, Texas
Did you receive a speeding ticket in Commerce, Texas, but then forgot about it? You are required to appear in court on or before the due date on the ticket. If you did not, the court may issue the additional charge of Failure To Appear (FTA) against you and a warrant may be issued for your arrest. I lift traffic warrants for my clients. It is important to act quickly because the police actively look for and arrest people with traffic warrants during the statewide warrant roundup. Once I have lifted your traffic warrant, I will appear in court on your behalf and work out the best deal I can for you. Contact me to lift your Hunt County traffic warrants.
More about Commerce Warrant Roundup .
More about Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup .
Commercial Driver’s License Holders Defended By Attorney
The lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates only represent clients with cases involving driving records and Class C Misdemeanors in Commerce, Texas. Other lawyers dabble in traffic tickets, but this is all our firm handles. A large portion of our traffic ticket defense is devoted to helping commercial drivers license holders . No attorney can guarantee the outcome of a case, but with Jack Byno & Associates you will have our full attention. Contact a CDL defense lawyer for help with your CDL and trucking violations in Hunt County, Texas.
Contact Me
I have been representing clients with traffic tickets in Hunt County, Texas since 1994. If you have a speeding ticket or need a traffic warrant lifted contact me today. The experienced attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates can assist you with your CDL violations and driver’s license suspension hearings in Commerce, Texas.