Combine Traffic Ticket Attorney
City of Combine, Texas Traffic Ticket Attorneys
I am Jack Byno, and since 1994 I have been a traffic ticket defense attorney in Kaufman County, Texas. Of course, I represent clients throughout the greater Dallas – Fort Worth area. My law firm only handles driver’s license issues and traffic tickets. Most of the cases we handle include, but are not limited to, speeding tickets, CDL violations, lifting traffic warrants, and driver’s license suspension hearings . If you need assistance with a Combine, Texas traffic citation contact the lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates .
Kaufman County, Texas Lawyers Defend Speeding Tickets
If you are facing a speeding ticket in the Combine Municipal Court, it is important to pay attention to all of your court dates and contact an experienced traffic ticket attorney for help. While speeding tickets may seem like a hassle, ignoring them can only lead to bigger problems. As a traffic ticket lawyer, I appear every day in the Kaufman County traffic courts on behalf of my clients. In most cases I can plea your case to a deferred adjudication (probation). If granted and successfully completed, this will result in the speeding ticket not appearing on your driving record. Contact me to see if you qualify for probation in Combine, Texas.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets.
Attorney Posts Bonds And Lifts Traffic Warrants In Combine, Texas
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup focuses on finding and arresting all the people that have outstanding traffic warrants. The goal is for law enforcement to make a coordinated effort in their hunt for past due speeding tickets and other traffic violations. Make no mistake. If you have put off dealing with your outstanding speeding citation and it has gone to warrant, the City of Combine Police, the Kaufman County Sheriff, and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will arrest you if they find you. During warrant roundups you may be arrested at home, at work, at school, or any number of places. Contact me today to post bond and lift your traffic warrants in Kaufman County, Texas.
CDL Holders Defended In Kaufman County, Texas By A Lawyer
Some attorneys represent clients with Kaufman County speeding tickets now and then, but if you have a commercial driver’s license you need a lawyer that has been representing CDL holders since 1994. You have a lot on the line and you want an attorney with experience. Contact the lawyers of Jack Byno & Associates if you have a CDL violation in Combine, Texas.
Contact Me
I have been representing clients with traffic tickets since 1994 in Kaufman County and all of the municipal courts of Dallas County. I have experience with speeding citations, CDL violations, lifting traffic warrants, and defending driver’s license suspensions. When you need a Combine, Texas traffic ticket attorney, contact Jack Byno & Associates .