Colleyville Traffic Ticket Attorney
City of Colleyville, Texas Traffic Ticket Attorneys
When you retain Jack Byno & Associates, Colleyville, Texas traffic ticket lawyers to lift your warrants for speeding and other traffic violations, they will post a bond, get a court date, appear in court for you, and workout the best deal available on your traffic tickets. After appearing in the Colleyville Municipal Court, we will send you a letter notifying you of the outcome, how much your court fees are, and when they must be paid. In most cases, our attorneys can work out a deal to get you deferred adjudication (probation). Assuming you qualify for the probation and successfully complete it, the ticket will not appear on your driving record. Our law firm can also help you with CDL violations and driver’s license suspension hearings. Contact a traffic ticket lawyer to determine if you qualify for deferred adjudication.
Tarrant County Lawyers Defend Speeding Tickets In Colleyville
If you have received a speeding ticket in Tarrant County, Texas you may want to retain an attorney to help you with it. If you hire Jack Byno & Associates, our attorneys can appear in the Colleyville Municipal Court on your behalf and work out the best deal we can on your speeding citation . Typically this means getting you deferred adjudication, also called probation. The terms of probation are very simple, pay your court fees on time, do not get any other tickets while on probation, and if you are under 25 you must take a defensive driving class. Contact me to see if you qualify for the deferred adjudication on your speeding ticket.
More about Help With Texas Speeding Tickets.
Attorney Lifts Warrants In Colleyville Municipal Court
One of the benefits of hiring Jack Byno & Associates to represent you in the Colleyville Municipal Court for a speeding ticket, is that our lawyers can appear in court on your behalf, work out the best deal we can, and then communicate the outcome to you. If you have allowed your Colleyville speeding ticket to become a traffic warrant our attorneys can post bond and lift the warrant. However, you do not want to delay because Colleyville does participate in the statewide warrant roundup. Contact a Tarrant County lawyer to lift your traffic warrants.
More about the Colleyville Warrant Roundup.
Commercial Driver’s License Holders Defended By Lawyer
I am Jack Byno, a Colleyville traffic ticket attorney. Since 1994, I have been representing clients with CDLs in the municipal courts of Tarrant County, Texas. When you have a CDL or trucking violation ticket in Colleyville, you need a lawyer with experience in the courtroom, as well as one that understands what you are facing if convicted. If you have a CDL and you need a traffic ticket attorney, contact me.
Contact Me
Jack Byno has been representing clients in Tarrant County, Texas since 1994 with speeding tickets, CDL violations, lifting traffic warrants, and driver’s license suspension hearings. Contact me if you need a Colleyville traffic ticket attorney.