Chandler Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
have You Heard Of The Annual Chandler Warrant Roundup?
If you are not already aware, please be advised of the annual Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Taking place in communities participating all across the State, this annual event sees law enforcement working around the clock to find, and more often than not to arrest, as many drivers as possible who have active traffic warrants out for them. Have you an active traffic warrant out for you, issued for you on a prior occasion by the Municipal Court in the Henderson County town of Chandler? If you do, and for as long as your warrant remains out for you, your arrest during Warrant Roundup season is unfortunately a possibility. If you are hoping to avoid arrest if at all possible this Warrant Roundup season, there is only one way that you may do so, and this is by acting fast to get your warrant lifted. Jack Byno & Associates, a traffic ticket law firm that has been in business in North Texas since 1994, may be able to help you with this task, as we hold the power to lift traffic warrants on behalf of our eligible clients.
Steer Clear of Arrest This Chandler Warrant Roundup Season
Contact me, Attorney Jack Byno, at 817-685-0912
Learn more about the Great Texas Warrant Roundup
Chandler Police Prepare for Warrant Roundup Season
Warrant Roundup season is a very serious time of year, and is considered as such by the Chandler Police Department. Officers within the department are fully prepared for the kick-off of this year’s event, which is just around the corner. Unless you act quickly to ensure that your outstanding Chandler warrant is lifted, there is a good chance that you will be arrested by police during, if not before, this year’s event. Because of the possibility of your arrest, you may now be looking to avoid it if at all possible by ensuring that your traffic warrant is lifted. If you are, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be of service to you. Remember that, if you are eligible, we may be retained to try and lift your warrant for you, so that you may steer clear of arrest during this year’s Chandler Warrant Roundup. If we also post your bond, as a promise from us to represent you in court, you may expect for us to appear therein on your behalf at a later date.
Henderson County Traffic Warrants Lifted, Bonds Posted
Contact me for assistance today || 817-685-0912
Additional information regarding your traffic warrant and how it may be lifted