Caddo Mills Cdl Defense Lawyer
Lawyers Helps CDL Holders Challenge Caddo Mills Violations
I am Attorney Jack Byno, a traffic ticket lawyer with over 20 years of experience in North Texas. From my offices located in the heart of the Dallas- Fort Worth metroplex, my colleagues and I offer to defend our Class C and CDL clients against traffic violations and city ordinance violations written to them by area police. Perhaps you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for work as a bus driver, trucker, or even emergency vehicle operator. As a professional motorist, you are most likely required by your employer to maintain a clean driving record. If you are written a CDL or trucking violation while on the road or at a D.O.T. stop in Caddo Mills, Texas, therefore, for speeding, an over weight violation or another traffic offense, you may be hesitant to plead guilty to your violation, as points will be added to your record if you do. Although it may be in your better interest (and in the better interest of your career) to dispute your violation instead, you may need professional legal assistance in doing so.
My law firm Jack Byno & Associates may be able to provide you with that legal assistance. We may be retained to assist you in defending against your Caddo Mills CDL or trucking violation in one of two ways:
- By pleading your case for a possible deal, or
- By fighting your ticket at trial
If you hire us to fight your CDL violation at trial, in the presence of a judge, you may be required to appear in court with us as we plead your case for a possible deal. If you opt instead to seek a plea agreement, you may not be required to appear. This may be the option for you if you are hoping to remain on the job while your career remains in court.
Let Us Help You Challenge Your Caddo Mills CDL Violation
Contact me | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Click here to find out more about Hunt County CDL violations
Neglected Caddo Mills CDL Violations Go Into Warrant
When a driver is written a traffic ticket in Caddo Mills, Texas, but fails to respond to their violation in due time, that driver can expect to be issued a traffic warrant as a penalty by the Caddo Mills Municipal Court. In the case that you have been issued a traffic warrant as a CDL driver, your warrant should be taken very seriously, and lifted if at all possible. If you were to be arrested over your traffic warrant, your career as a trucker or other professional motorist could be jeopardized. In a worst-case scenario, you could even lose your job. In order that you may steer of arrest, and that your career may be defended, your warrant must be lifted, and as soon as possible. Are you looking to lift your warrant now, but believe that you would benefit from professional legal assistance in doing so? Then look no further for that assistance than Jack Byno & Associates. We may be able to lift your Caddo Mills warrant for you, and post bond for you as well, so that you may be sure to steer clear of otherwise inevitable arrest.
Do You Need Help Lifting Your Caddo Mills Traffic Warrant?
Contact me || Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
More regarding traffic warrants and how they may be lifted
Learn about the Caddo Mills Warrant Roundup