Burnes City Speeding Ticket Attorney
Jack Byno Burnes City Speeding Ticket Attorney
By hiring the Burnes City Speeding Ticket Attorney, you’ll get Cooke County’s finest legal representation around. Our law firm here at Jack Byno & Associates has proven itself as the ideal legal aid for many Class “C” and CDL drivers alike. Through our more than 25 years of serving the residents of North Texas, we have frequently gained an acquittal of the charges against many clients. If such an option is open for you, we’ll pursue that first. However, if it is not, then plea negotiations are often able to be implemented in order to serve your needs and lower charges. Should you want to go to trial, then you may retain our services for one as well. To find out more about what options are open for you to seek out, give us a call and go over the details of your case with us today.
Jack Byno has been spending more than two and a half decades practicing law and often gaining the outcomes people needed to move on with their lives. As a former municipal judge and a current defender of common man, he has the ability to see from each side of the bench and will know how other current judges will perceive your case. His valued insight also allows him to find out if we can attend a court date in your place, and even allow you to sit comfortably back at home while we do the hard work in the courtrooms. As well, upon being hired, we will post bonds for any pending warrants you may have. Tickets and warrants can still be fought and are not on your record like a conviction is. Call us today to see how we might be able to save you from one. Our contact me page has our phone number listed there, as well as our address, and will also display our online information form, which you may submit virtually if it is easier for you.
Contact Jack Byno at office
Burnes City Speeding Ticket Pleas And Trials
When attempting to enter into plea bargaining in the Cooke County courts, the Burnes City Traffic Ticket Attorney will meet with the prosecution and discuss how your charges might be lowered to a lesser offense in order to save them from ending up on a driving record. If so, usually the exchange will simply be a probation to go through and/or a Driver’s Safety Class (DSC) to take. To find out what can be done for you through such a tactic, give us a call. If you elect to retain us for a trial, then you’ll have us prepare an argument to dispute each claim made against you and demand evidence to back it up. If the prosecution falters in any way, then our legal representatives will plead with the judge to rule in your favor, which regularly occurs.
Burnes City CDL Speeding Tickets Defended
The Burnes City CDL Defense Lawyer has proven to be the ideal representation for long haul truckers having to deal with speeding citations. If a guilty outcome is given to some truckers, they could potentially lose their job and their very livelihood along with it. Luckily, tickets can be fought, so that is why Jack Byno & Associates has spent more than 25 years in represent CDL clients. For many drivers in such a situation, we have regularly been able to attend court in their place, allowing them to stick to their delivery and avoid losing a day’s worth of wages. If you’re in serious need of the competent legal team that can frequently get the results many people want, then give us a call now.
Burnes City Lawyer Posts Bonds & Lifts Warrants
Alias warrants are given when a speeding ticket is allowed to stand past its due date and a Failure to Appear (FTA) or a Violation of Promise to Appear (VPTA) are given. These can be resolved if you hire our attorneys to post your bond quickly and lift the matter. However, you cannot have gone to trial, nor plead “guilty” or “no contest” to the charges to gain our legal services. If you lost a trial and did not adhere to your verdict, whether that be avoiding taking a defensive driving class or not making court fees, then a capias warrant will be issued for your arrest. In these situations, our law firm cannot alter the outcome. You’ll have to choose between following what the verdict asked of you or else waiting out the proper amount of time behind bars.
Burnes City Warrant Roundup Defense
At this time, there is a policing event taking place in search for all those that let their speeding citations go past due. It is known as the Cooke County Warrant Roundup and it’s calling upon police to make more and more traffic stops. Cop cars will patrolling everywhere, from the highways to your own local residential street. Their goal is to pull over anyone they can for committing even the smallest of traffic infractions. If they run someone’s information and find them on their wanted database, then they’ll make no hesitation in bringing them in on the spot. Hire the Burnes City Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer if you wish to get your bond posted fast and avoid a potential arrest. In order to find out how we might best be able to serve you, give our law office a call today.
Contact A Burnes City Speeding Ticket Attorney
Participating in legal cases for over two and a half decades, Jack Byno & Associates has often allowed countless individuals to walk away free from the charges or with a desirable result. Through our involvement with their cases, clients frequently saved hundreds of dollars in lowered court fines, and even more when we were able to save someone from losing their job. If you’re in need of the proper legal help, contact me, the Burnes City Speeding Ticket Attorney, and get our dedicated legal team on your side today.
Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office